Hey there! As many of you know, our near and dear panda pal Kacey quit the game. In doing so, she left the Job Fair in my paws. I’m thrilled to be able to host this event, after helping out with it and participating a couple times, it’s always a fun time! That said, the next one is coming up!
Event: Job Fair!
Location: Stormwind Docks, in the grassy area!
Time: 8PM Server Time until interest dies down, last Sunday of each month!
What is it?: Are you looking for a guild, or looking to recruit for yours? Come on down to the Job Fair! Hosted the last Sunday of every month, at 8:30PM, bring your banner and recruiters, or just your beautiful self and a ‘resume!’ (RP recruitment event!)
Discord Link: https:// discord .gg/tGUxeDX (remove the spaces)
Thank you everyone! I hope to see you all there, and I fully intend on keeping the tradition alive in Kacey’s name!
Thanks for taking up the reigns, Kee! I know a lot of guilds and un-guilded individuals appreciate the chance to recruit and find a guild home in an IC RP format. 
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Happy to! Truly the pleasure is mine/ours, United Aegis does all it can to help the community and events thrive!
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I’m going to change the fight dates so there’s no conflict.
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Understood, thanks for working with me on Discord on the topic. 
Looking forward to attending this month!
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Glad this is still going on. May or may not be busy that night but the more things to get people to go outside the better. 
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Thanks, both of you! We’re excited to host, looking forward to seeing all the great guilds in one place again!
I’m wicked excited, only a week to go!
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I will do my best to remember to do an announcement about this on the Gnews this week. Or, if you want to come and do an announcement yourself, you would be more than welcome. We at the Gnews are glad to help spread news of IC community events like this!
Thank you for taking the reins of the event Kee! The Stormwind Job Fair has always been a fun event, I have no doubt you’ll do a fantastic job leading it.
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Oh, that would be cool, thank you! Obviously I would be unable to do so Monday night, I work security at the Stormwind Weekly Market. When would be an acceptable day to do so for you guys?
And thank you so much Ras. <3
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Only a few more days. Happy that this one lands on the weekend.
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Tonight’s the night! 8:30PM Moon Guard time!
One hour! Looking forward to seeing everyone. 
Thank you, for organizing an event like this. I hate I missed it yesterday. I was looking forward to finding a nice Kaldorei guild to snuggle up to and join.
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The next Job Fair will be on April 28th, if you’re still in need by then! Keep an eye out!
Ten days until the next Job Fair! Kee will not be there this time (ICly) but I will! Little miss Kee will be off on her honeymoon! https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/n-the-marlfox-wedding/150780
This month’s Job Fair takes place on April 28th, at 8PM Server! Same place as always, north of the docks in Stormwind!