Monks and races

what is a good horde monk race for pvp

Pandaren or bust :panda_face:


Tauren for the pure silliness of it.

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I like my zandalari

I love Undead Monks. I know a lot of people think they look weird but it adds an edginess to the class that it really needs imo. You can pull off more of a ninja look wearing rogue looking gear that imo looks off when other races try to wear it.

I’m looking forward to choosing the Necro Lord Covenant. The zones and armors are Jade coloured undeath as are their faction abilities. It’s gonna fit my race/class like a glove.

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Tauren Monks doing Blackout Kick look so badass landing a hoof-kick to the dome. It’s just brutal if ya think about it.

for pvp orc for looks id say tauren

Orc, all other races don’t compare for pvp.


Is Will of the Forsaken not good for pvp?

Not since it’s nerf, sharing a cd with trinket hurts

I agree Orc for horde pvp, stun trait resistance and attack increase.

For Alliance always humans for EMFH.

Nah for monk pvp I say kul tiran, punch into a wall and then bounce them with rop on it.

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Yesh I am panda’ru-tan

I make the hottest AF female human I can put together and call it a day.