Monk (ww) end game talents don’t really excite me

Shado pan might be ok. Not too exciting but not horrible either. Then conduit just seems really lame. Has anyone played these in beta? Like them?

It’s funny because the general consensus is that SP is the lame one and Conduit has all the pizzazz

Well I am an idiot most of the time. I’ll check it out more

Conduit is great. It’s got a lot going on though.

conduit bangs hard as heck and might be top 3 in terms of hero trees for me, the problem is it just doesn’t pump hard enough. rn we are taking shado pan in all forms of content. if you can get a buff to conduit, you’re in good standing. my issue and probably a larger issue with WW is the lack of talent diversity. there’s a ton of dead talents and stinkers in the tree. so you have 1 good build per fight design (IE Single Target or AoE).