Monk t2 set color changed from yellow to green, huge downgrade

In the initial preview of the new t2 sets, the monk set was black/gold/red and looked GREAT. As of the latest patch, the set has been changed to green (the blue post was updated to reflect this) and honestly looks much worse off for it, I think.

I could see an argument that yellow is paladin’s color? But that feels like a pretty hollow argument when 3 of the new t2 sets are almost fully purple, sharing colors isnt a big deal.

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I actually like the Jade color scheme more.

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maybe im just a sucker for red/gold color schemes. even then tho, if you’re gonna show off the gold color at least let me obtain it somehow

just personal preference. They did make alternate color schemes for all of T2 so maybe we can hope they will do the same here

There’s a 99% chance that alternate color schemes will be present and they were saving it for a surprise.

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Just give us a color for every celestial. Too easy.

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