Hello everyone,
I am absolutely torn between a windwalker monk and feral druid for mostly pvp and some pve, would anyone be helpful enough to make up my mind?
Thanks all!
Hello everyone,
I am absolutely torn between a windwalker monk and feral druid for mostly pvp and some pve, would anyone be helpful enough to make up my mind?
Thanks all!
Both have solid healing off specs. WW is more viable now, but that could change. Comes down to what you enjoy more.
Personally I love the flow of a monk, the spells feel good, always have something to press and hit combo makes it fun.
I feel like feral is fun in wpvp but not so much in PvE. Their kit is kinda of outdated and needs an overhaul.
Currently watching alpha discussions to make this choice. I really want feral to win me over, but the track record just isn’t there and I’m not sold on the feral changes I’ve seen so far. If anything it looks like feral is getting pruned and guardian is just uninspired.
I have a feeling I’ll be choosing BrM for PvE and WW for PvP. (MW for RBG so I get invited though)
People say monk scales poorly and feral is usually just awful until mid expansion. So maybe have both and play monk until it falls off while keeping up chores on the Druid too?
This is more for raiding. WW just really hasn’t been spectacular in the raiding scene. However, if M+ is your thing, WW is really good and I think will be even better with Tony the Tiger baseline (burst AOE) and target caps of 5 for AOE (hurts our competition). We cap at 5 anyways on our SCK damage boost, Tony is capped at 3 I think? - so I feel like Outlaw/Havoc are getting knocked down, and WW is getting more, plus our utility is pretty good.
So yeah, you will be a solid dps for M+, raiding is always hit or miss. If you are concerned though, BrM has been a tank on almost all mythic prog guilds because how OP stagger is when pushing content.
Yea if SL dropped tomorrow I would go into it playing monk. They seem like they have more fun tools with porting and ring of peace too.
I’m just holding my breath for feral
I’ve probably watched 30 hours of SL Alpha streams, and I haven’t found a single person who’s played WW Monk and hasn’t said “this is the most fun spec in SL” at least once. Giving ALL monks back powerful tools like Expel Harm, on top of giving each spec a flavor “set it and forget it” pet, is looking extremely promising.
Meanwhile, in the world of Feral, we did gain back ONE utility ability as a talent, lost Survival Instincts, got a crappy change to Blood Talons, still don’t have any of the huge flavor utility spells or raid wide Leader of the Pack, and in general have far less to look forward to outside of PvP.
If you’re someone who wants to play the spec / class for the love of that spec / class then none of these changes should affect you. I doubt scaling will be any different, so we can expect WW Monk to be god tier dps in tier 1, then slowly drop to the bottom, and Feral to start low, and end high. The difference being, if you don’t already have a Monk healer or tank, it’s basically mandatory to bring a WW Monk. There is still no reason at all to bring a Feral if their dps isn’t top tier, as they still offer zero raid wide utility.
Monks aren’t in a good place, imo. At least design and attention wise. However, Feral is pretty much a deserted and forsaken spec. I’m sorry, but just like Survival Hunter and Subtlety Rogue, Blizz has fumbled so much over them they just gave up. I think you can safely say there is literally nothing to look forward to those specs I listed.
I kind of have to disagree. Monks are pretty well designed and that is the reason people seem to enjoy them regardless what tier they are.
Survival hunter too is great if you are not the whining “Surv should be ranged” type. They have a lot to offer
What?!? Monks are one of if not the best designed class in the game right now. ALL CLASSES got pruned. ALL CLASSES are getting unpruned. WW Monk is hands down the most fun it’s been since MoP in SL right now. Feral on the other hand, feels stupid.
monk is insanely fun in all aspects of pvp and incredibly solid in m+ go monk imo
I have played both specs for a long time now Id say both are about in the same boat im WW is probably slightly better in M+ for raiding it seems like both are close to identical to me. If you are aiming for pvp it seems like Monk is the go to imo you have gap closers, a MS effect, A stun that is AOE, and you aren’t reliant on dot snapshotting to do damage. Maybe I’m a bit Biased but I think the monk play style is a lot more fun than the kinda weird heal to do more damage snapshot style feral currently has.
If you want to aim just in terms of Fun I would always say Monk personally.