Hi all,
What class would be the easiest to multirole between monk and druid?
Need to fill M+ roles, but too lazy to have alts lol!
I will mainly be healing and tanking in m+, DPS in raid.
considering monk more, but worried about all the “bloat” i read about.
For healing, Resto druid is IMO easier than MW Monk. For Tank, Guardian Druid is for sure easier than Brew Monk.
Now, for DPS, IDK man… Balance and Feral druid are not easy specs to master, and WW Monk is not easy either. As a Feral Druid you will need to take care of dots/bleeds and manage combo points, it is a very specific play style. Balance Druid is a caster, and also has a very different play style, where you try to keep balance between sun stuff and moon stuff (one side buff the other side). Now for WW Monk, it’s melee, and you can’t repeat your last skill used to best use your mastery properly…
So, IMO, what you should actually make is a Paladin. Hope it helps o/
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I had this exact same dilemma. I chose Monk. A few reasons:
- RDruid and Boomkin are very badly tuned right now, and they are slated for “fixes” in 11.0.5 (sometime in November).
- MW is very underrated and just got buffed.
- I don’t find either of the druid DPS specs to be particularly fun, at all.
- Tank changes make me feel like BDK is just a way more fun tank, if you’re gonna tank.
- WW changes are super fun
This is why I chose to main monk and alt BDK.
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What kind of bloat? Like ability, talent tree, rotation? I know nothing of monk
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Monk has no ranged spec. So if you enjoy ranged, go druid.
If you like spending more time in melee range, you’ll be doing that with all 3 monk specs.
Personally, I think monk is more fun all around, but I also enjoy my druid. I chose monk as my #2, and it feels really good right now.
Also you can use zen meditation to get around way easier with the changes to how flying works, unless you prefer to use the old flying method as the default one.
The bloat was a problem for BrM, specifically in dragonflight. It’s much better now - way less bloat than feral.
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Bear/resto/boomy are easier than brew/mw/ww. Not sure how feral is doing, these days.
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I’ve played both.
or tanking, I’d say Guardian Druid is a lot easier. Brewmastering effectively takes a lot of practice and skill ngl. Even our bubble depends purely on our stagger management.
As for healer, druids are PRO-Active healers - so it takes a bit of getting used to.
I hane’t played Mistweaver since Shadowlands, but looking at the latest balancing patch, Blizz still can’t get MW right… and I her MW has changed A LOT since SL.
Druids cna brez.
Boomkin is pretty solid and getting a thicc buff next week too.
Can’t comment on feral. Played it a bit during SL, but not enough to form an opinion.
HOWEVER…however…I will say this…out of all tanks, Brewmaster is definitely most fun for me. Tank wise specifically. BrM is in an odd spot right now. We are sorta the weakest tanks for M+ atm, but we are yet to see how we pan out in higher keys,
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I mained Monk in a Season n half in DF and my goodness it is so much more fun now than it was: no need to manual statue, flexible talents strong damage.
If you have played Monk before you will find it super fun in comparison (and easier).
With that said Druid does have MoTW and Brez which are pretty valuable. Guardian is easy and they have baked some of the conveniences of DF resto into the TWW kit.
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