Monk jab glyph?

Is this currently on Beta? or when will it be?

It was apparently datamined, and there is a wowhead write up about it from a month ago, but it’s not on the beta anywhere that I can see. ( there is a random vendor in the middle of SW that sells consumables and glyphs and Id assume it would be there if it was implemented )

Not seeing it under TWW inscription either.

Others have posted in the beta monk feedback thread too asking about it. Doesn’t look like it was added ( yet? )

Not yet implemented. Honestly one of the things I’m looking forward to the most in TWW, I hope this makes it in for xpac launch.


what does it look like and what skill does it bind to?

Why do we need a jab glyph for?

“Why do we need fun/thematic customization options”

A better question would be "why was it even removed? "


Yeah we need more customization, across the board, all classes.

The glyphs should be reworked and expanded upon. Similar to how you can customize dragon mounts. We should be able to take our character somewhere and be able to apply different stances for casts and attacks with weapon or without, different colors, particle effects.

Like an option for staff users could use their staff to direct chi burst. Also, Class/spec abilities should have racial/profession reskin options and vice versa. Like the roll-air dash in TWW should have an option for goblins/engineers to have a mini goblin rocket jump for the dash portion. While goblin monks could have large air dash option to replace rocket jump. I don’t really think goblins should be monks though, but that’s besides the point.

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Basically, prior to legion monk had an ability called jab which served the same function as Tiger palm now. Tiger palm used to be a buff you had to keep up and would cost chi. Jab would change name/sound/animation depending on which weapon type you were using and each weapon had a unique set of those. We actually used to hit with our weapons a bit. This glyph would revert Tiger palm back to that.


oh wow that would be so cool!

they announced it coming in TWW but hasn’t been on Beta so no clue?

I wonder if they goofed the implementation. If you click the wowhead link:

Hover over the text after the Use: and it says “Requires Priest”

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probs a bug or something not sure.

Another build today still missing glyph of jab, it’s looking like the dream is dead.


Hopefully we’ll get it down the line, removing the skill and replacing it for changes sake was and still stupid.

One of the aesthetic reasons I can’t seem to get into a monk, that stat stick at the back is very jarring, casters I get with their casting but monks… ohhhhh…


The existence of this glyph is the tipping edge of whether I main monk or not in War Within. The last time I mained monk I went crazy from seeing the weapons always remain on my back doing nothing.


Still missing in latest beta build.


its dead =/

it’s so over