Monk IC LF Guild/RP

Hi! I am looking to get into the RP scene and, just seems no matter how hard I try I cannot get much engagement - if anything at all. Not sure if I am doing something wrong, or what…

I guess in the end someone did tell me I can always RP with myself, but that doesn’t really do much for people engaging when I am trying to start or even join in.

Any ideas?


Guild RP is the best anyway because it turns into whole plot arcs instead of 1 offs. You’re on the right track looking for a guild!

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Hiya Morallygray!

EVENTS! . . . start going to as many scheduled RP events as you can! Check the forums here for advertisings and there are some Discord channels to look into as well! Will post a link to that thread too.
When I first got started RPing, it was a bit slow at first, but after I started going to Events and running into the same people over and over, things snowballed from there!
Check out these Discord Servers for some RP action too!

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