Monk class tree needs to be looked into in 10.1

This does lead to a large gulf in damage since executes are ~200% AP compared to ToD doing a third of your health. It might be balanced due to execute spamming at low health, but it’s definitely a point of concern for proc rates.

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I think Ox Statue points to some really interesting potential ideas that Blizz could play off of. Problem is, they didn’t expand any design on the statues, so the capstones are incredibly boring and very odd for capstones. Especially Tiger Statue. Such a tragically bland skill that I’m surprised made it to live.

What I mean by the above is that there could be some cool interactions for the statues if Blizz made them react with certain skills. Just a rough spitball ideas:

-Casting Detox on JSS will overload it with energy, cleansing all poison and disease effects from allies nearby the statue. Destroys the statue and puts it on a 30 sec CD.

-Casting Tiger’s Lust on Tiger Statue will remove all movement-impairing effects from allies nearby the statue and cause them to gain X% increased movement speed for X seconds.

Something like these would still be niche, but having multiple different interactions would at least provide a diversity in application and more incentive for different builds to talent into them. An AoE cleanse could be really helpful for some of the upcoming S2 dungeons, but the examples above are just random ideas that popped up in my head. The statues as they are now just don’t quite do it for me, but I see potential. If they are to be capstones, they should have some respectable power behind them. Could even be cool to have a Red Crane statue.


Them removing Incendiary Breath makes zero sense s well.


I agree OP.

I currently only consider Monks class tree to be wonky. i hope they do a rework of it; and in the process, get rid of dave and the tiger statue! >:[