Monk class tree needs to be looked into in 10.1

So many very bad or dead talents on there, but here are the ones that need immediate attention:

  • The statue talents are just bad for WW/BrM. None of them are worth getting or add anything meaningful like end cap talents should. The tiger statue is extremely uninspired in design, very boring and does minimal damage. Most people just macro it to pet macros and never think about it again. The Ox statue is extremely niche and used in like 1 or 2 raid encounters. These talents are more like 2nd to last talents at most and not end cap talents worthy.

  • Fort Brew is THE WORST defensive button in the game by far and it costs TWO talent points. Hooray TWO talent points for a 4m cd 20% damage reduction that you have to get most of the time in order to progress down the tree.

  • Chi Wave/Chi Burst, are another weak choice node and pretty much mandatory to get in order to get to the 8% healing buff talents which are good. Chi Wave does tickle damage and healing, I have it and just never press it, not worth the GCD. Chi Burst is ONLY useful for WW in M+ to help get some Chi when your energy is too low to TP.

  • Eye of the Tiger another dead talent. Does like 0.01% of my damage, it’s nothing.

  • Windwalking costs TWO talent points for…get this 4(FOUR)% movement buff lol! I think if you sum up all the Monk players that use this talent it’ll add up to precisely 0. The definition of dead talent, the only good thing about this talent is that you don’t need to get it to progress through the tree, so you can just pretend it doesn’t exist.

There are some other annoying talents on there too, but the ones above are the ones that really need to be looked into in 10.1. The statues aren’t working for 2 of the 3 specs and fort brew/chi wave talents need to be looked into because they are required to get for most talent pathing and they’re just weak.


Yup…terrible talents for MW too

CW/CB should extend RenMist/EF/EnvMist HoT’s a few seconds, or proc mastery. Even at 416 and with 15% vers it does nothing impactful.

Eye of the tiger was extremely underwhelming. Was hoping it would do more but it’s not worth a talent point.

Im still expecting a class tree rework. Many abilities are poorly balanced or feel intentionally weak…maybe because they couldn’t come up with anything new or maybe because they didn’t want to have to balance more stuff when time constraints were hitting them hard.

Want to add:
-Bake all the Expel Harm talents into expel harm. Dont need so many EH talents, arguably dont need EH to begin with as MW. ( again feels like placeholder talents ). Those talent points are best spent elsewhere as MW outside of the one we MUST take to get Close to Heart and STA.

-Connect Windwalking and Resonant fists, buff windwalking, buff eye of the tiger significantly

-Extend bounce back’s duration to 6-8 seconds

-Touch of death talents are just dumb and should be baked into the ability ( placeholder garbage again (

-Hasty Provocation should be re baked back into Provoke. No idea why it was separated.

-Buff ferocity of Xuen for MW to 3-4% per pip

-Grace of crane could be moved to under calming presence or just bake the 2 together, DR and Healing rcd buff.

-Tiger Tail sweep feels like it should be on the right side of the tree.

-Elusive mists should be baked into soo mist or cost one talent instead of 2

The amt of placeholder talents in the class tree is messed up. Most of them could be rebaked back into their original abilities, or removed/combined. So I highly feel a class tree rework is inevitable on it’s way.


I agree the class tree definitely needs some work. I just don’t have enough faith that they can come up with new fresh ideas to put in there.


I mean we did a lot of work for then already, too bad they juat don’t bother with player feedback


At this point I think they should remove all 3 capstone from the class tree and put them somewhere in their designated spec tree and replace them with the SL covenant abilities.

Faeline replaces Jade Serpent statue, WoO replaces the worthless AoE ticking one which is so trash and forgettable I literally didn’t even bother to remember its name, tiger something statue, and BDB replaces Black Ox statue

And also redesign the tiger statue one before putting it in WW tree or it’ll just be a dead and/or unfun talent


Please no. All the SL covenant abilities are/were just watered down recycled pieces of crap. You’d save talent points and physical design space on the talent trees by just buffing the corresponding abilities. Instead of putting WoO back, buff Serenity. Instead of putting BDB back, just buff SCK. Not sure what to do with FLS since it does different things for WW and MW, but maybe let MW keep FLS on their tree and replace WW’s FLS with the RSK damage debuff from MoP/WoD.

Or just not have the statue, and buff SEF/Serenity or Xuen.


Not having any good class tree capstone talents is just weird tho. I think MWs are the only ones that actually have a decent statue which is only good for that spec and worthless for the other 2, so no point in having it in the class tree to begin with.

They’ll need to redesign tiger and ox statues to make them worthy to be a capstone, right now they just aren’t


I think we can have class tree capstones, but I just don’t think that SL Covenant abilities are the answer. Nor are the statues.


Yes, they need to be removed immediately.

They could do a redesign ability

It’s basically just that in the first place, be better overall if it came back here


True but the sland abilities aren’t good either, they need to do real abilities here

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They tried giving us an original ability and that turned into tiger statue

If they want to design us some new abilities they’ll need to replace whoever the dev that gave us tiger statue is first

Monk does not lack for buttons, so the way to go is with strong passives or old classics.

Here are some freaking amazing capstone ideas.

2 Charges of RSK. All monk specs use RSK, and it would be a major game changer.

Windwalking Aura on crack. 30% move speed aura. We never drop below 110% move speed. Ever.

Healing Elixirs. Rip that spell out of the MW and BrM spec trees, and put it on the Monk main tree so WW can have it back. Either that or make Zen Med a class wide ability again. 90% mega DR that lets us eat damage for our raid team.


I’m personally on the fence with jade serpent statue. I can see how it might benefit raiders or pvpers but I personally hate it in mythic+. Even playing a caster build. I hate the 8 sec channel time and feeling like I have to micro manage it. I’d love for the statue to be moved elsewhere and replaced with something else, or at the very least return the channel time to it’s previous state of (what 30 secs?).

I feel like they can do this with the current windwalking talents we have. 2 pts for 4% is nothing, it might be worth the 2 talents if it was 30% or even 10% per talent pt will make it worth it on some encounters

Youre right that 4% is nothing and not worth the 2 points.

They could however get us more points to use if we werent forced to take 5/6 points across 2 trees with ToD, just to prop up our damage.

I dont believe there is another class/spec that has the same talent across 2 trees that they have to take to be competitive-ish… and really not so competitive these days


I’d love to see Mistweaver’s ToD hit multiple targets like WWs does. :smirk:

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I think blizzard should just remove ToD tbh they have issues balancing around it for WW so why not just remove it and buff WW’s damage with other abilities instead.


That would be spectacular… however, if they want to double down and keep it… at least make it like Kill Shot for hunters where it can proc be used at anytime…

I just want ToD to not take up 5 tree nodes on 2 different trees with a total of 6 points… that just silly and no other class has that kind of garbage


Yeah it’s really not fun to play WW based around an execute that you can’t hit twice in a row because of mastery so you’re also in a rush to get it in before mobs die but then it doesn’t even kill stuff on the very high keys so it also doesn’t feel impactful.

Also looking at when I top damage on details it’s not fun when ToD is the reason if I’m top damage for a pack. I pressed one button that’s an aoe execute how amazing.

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Its a lazy design. Its based on the Torghast power… but that only really worked because you could have no CD on it and you could get your health to insane levels… and Im not going to lie… it was super fun and hilarious.

It did not translate well to regular gameplay.

There have been many many many ideas brought forward to the devs about how to fix it and or change it to something fun and engaging, but Im not sure why they refuse to do anything about it.