Monk Animations - FoF, Whirling Dragon Punch, Jab!

The PTR patch notes look great, but something I’m hoping Blizz addresses now or soon are some of the outdated animations monks are still dealing with. It seems like Blizz did a nice pass over some other classes, and I’m hoping monks aren’t forgotten.

First is the fists of fury animation. I don’t know if this animation has changed much since MoP but it is noticeably dated. The new Flurry Strikes animation would be a great alternative to what we currently have.

Second is the Whirling Dragon Punch animation. To be honest, it looks like it’s just a jump and a spin. For such a strong ability, the animation is lackluster.

Finally, is tiger palm. I recall seeing a datamined glyph that allowed tiger palm to be replaced with jab, which would allow monks to use their weapons again. Blizzard, please give us this option again! Monk Glyph of Jab - Use Weapons with Tiger Palm in The War Within - Wowhead News


I would love it if they made a bunch of new, updated animations for all classes. Mages are still stuck with some 2004 spell visuals like Ice Barrier and Cone of Cold, not to mention Ray of Frost just being a blue smidge on my screen.

Remember the last time we got a Cone of Cold update? It was so bad they had to revert it after 2 months.

Some spells really look perfect as is and don’t need to get the Shaman Ascendence Form treatment. At most, they just need their resolutions upscaled.

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