Monk a good main?

While I’ve not tanked much, because I really enjoy healing, it would be nice to have the option to do so on a decent class.

Imagine being this wrong…


Obviously caveat, nobody knows where specs will end up in SL. That being said…
I feel I can give you a better answer if I ask you a question, and a follow up first: What level of the content you like do you play at? And are you ok playing a spec that is on the lower end of viability in some end-game content?
In terms of the first, if you’re interested in doing keys but not at super high levels like 26 or whatever, all monk specs are solid choices and can get good to great results. If you’re interested in doing mythic raiding progression, things get a bit different, and conversations shift to talking about viability when comparing specs and classes.

Good questions. I won’t be doing cutting edge stuff. Between family and work I just don’t have the time. However, I’d like to do mythic + in the range of 15-20. Stuff that’s a challenge but doesn’t require a ton of time. Sounds like a monk should be decent for that.

As far as pvp goes, I’d like to be viable. By viable I mean able to have fun. I hate getting destroyed and feeling helpless. While a lot of that is gear, I’ve found I have much more fun with classes that can move than those that are more stationary.

Well WW outside of bfa s1 and wod s1 we are always doing great in pvp.

Brewmaster is not hard to play.

I may or may not have arena’d as BrM during these dark times. Actually BrM/Moonkin was hilarious unkillable comp with guard.

Brew was pretty hilarious with that guard

the WOD guard mechanic in pvp was HILARIOUS. i cannot believe someone at blizz greenlit that hilarity. it was so so broken.

I have a scrapbook of hate whispers from arena/world pvp on my Monk. A bunch of people also try to add me to btag so they can whisper me how bad at the game I am after getting their faces punched in.


I love the ones who call me a coward

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I think this is subjective. I found resto druid easier as a healer in pve. But then again, I haven’t raided this expac (I know, sounds impossible). But the mechanic for rdruid is always pretty much the same-simply keep hots up, use aoe heals and wild growth during big crowd dmg, and use regrowth in between big burst? Just gotta anticipate and prehot!