Mongoose or savagery for MS warrior in PvP?

The bit of extra crit from Mongoose seems nice when it procs, but +70 AP at all times seems very appealing as well. I can’t find any theorycrafting on the interwebz since everything seems to center around Executioner (which obviously isn’t in the game yet and won’t be for a long time).

Is Mongoose better to the point that it justifies the crazy price, or are they comparable, or what?

Mongoose is better but you have choices for Phase 1. You could even do Crusader for cheaper

What would a warrior want in general? consistency or a chance at burst?

Mongoose is better.
Savagery is cheaper.

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Mongoose if you’re with a shaman (for windfury) savagery otherwise, at least until executioner is in the game of course.

Why is it better, though? 120 agility equates to around 3.5 - 4% extra crit, and that’s only if it procs. 70 attack power is beneficial at all times and makes both regular hits and critical hits do more damage. The attack speed bonus of mongoose is infinitesimal and doesn’t factor into the equation.

I’m struggling to understand the justification for mongoose.

Savagery is better for PvP.

I had the same question as you and my conclusion is in PvE Mongoose is equivalent to a 42-43 strength enchant and Savagery to a 32-33 one, so Mongoose is better (for PvE) but not like absurdly so. This is based off of the average uptime of Mongoose from the top 20 arms warrior warcraft logs (not all of them used it, but for those who did it was about 40% uptime on average, though some unknown amount of that uptime is lost to the buff being active but the warrior not being on the boss) in Karazhan and the relative value of agility vs strength from the Fight Club sim using the pre-BiS gear loadout (in it 1 strength is worth 1.1 agility more or less).

In PvP though the uptime on Mongoose is going to be much lower because it is not a super high proc chance with an internal CD but rather a proc chance based on a normalized PPM, and you get kited a lot. And while we can average its impact on your DPS out to a strength equivalent it in actuality is a 15 second 3.6% increase to your critical strike chance. So it’s a proc that gives you slightly higher odds of dealing your maximum damage without increasing your ceiling. Savagery, on the other hand, is both more consistent and gives you a higher ceiling on your damage.

In PvE the difference is literally less than one blue gem and in PvP Savagery should add up to more damage over a given arena match in addition to increasing your peak burst. Once Executioner is out I will swap to that because though it is a proc, while the proc is active the damage boost is large and guaranteed and both increases your average damage and peak damage. For now though I will be using Savagery on my Deep Thunder and throwing Mongoose on a Gorehowl if I get one, and then Twin Blades as well obv for PvE.

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You beat me to it. Yes savagry is better for pvp. When mongoose procs it is better at that moment. But the constant ap buff of svgry is there when all the time and in pvp u cant be succesful when u rely on procs. It basically comes down to the length of the encounter. Pve, mngse is bttr

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