They changed the rotation to favor a spell we don’t even use, and is not viable in pvp. No one is complaining that starsurge got nerfed. They’re complaining about what the actual ‘fix’ was and that it came from a literal reddit comment with no playtesting.
Lmao even
They’re complaining about what the actual ‘fix’ was and that it came from a literal reddit comment with no playtesting.
skips reasonable explanation
lmao even
Windows98, Windows2000, WindowsNT, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Vista, Windows7, Windows10, XBox, Xbox360, XBox1…
I would say that not only is this normal, it should be expected.
“how dare blizzard try and shift the power of our blatantly overpowered ability into an ability that is weak and underutilized, I would rather just press my 1 OP button then actually be incentivized to use other abilities that didn’t get enough love in era”
lmao fair.
Did you even read two lines in where I said “Starsurge was obnoxious”? I’ve been open about the state of Starsurge since P1.
It needed changing. This isn’t the change.
Yes making a spec practically unplayable is a bad decision.
Are you trolling and claiming it’s not? Do you think some specs should be unplayable?
I can’t believe there is anyone out there who legitimately thinks that being unable to cast half of your abilities and still going OOM due to a single ability is not horrible design.
A whole third of our runes are devoted to mana sustain and yet we still can’t cast our rotation, how do you not see why that is an issue?
Yes, an ability that you don’t have the mana to cast…that also prevents you from casting two of your other abilities…
Really great idea
Try reading the actual thread instead of crying about starsurge. No one thinks the pvp nerf was unwarranted.
Have you considered thats its difficult to balance? Its never been done in the history of WoW.
All that said, there is also the possibility that they want FOTM classes to promote rerolling.
It wouldn’t be as difficult as they are making it if they started off with initial balance changes to the specs/classes that needed it instead of trying to solve all of a classes problems with obnoxiously strong runes.
Both Starsurge and Wild Growth are both great examples of runes that have too much ground to cover and as a result overshadow the entirety of the specs kit due to their strength.
It’s only been P2 where they’ve actually decides they needed to make baseline class changes and scaling adjustments, as well as additional QoL abilities for the entire class. However sadly even then it has been used far too sparingly leaving most classes in an abysmal state design wise.
Just reroll to the next fotm because you are bad at wow
Not a single class has been nerfed to the ground.
Do a chargeback if you want a refund.
LMFAO. I spat my coffe all over my screen because I laughed so hard at reading your post.
Thank you for brightening my morning with such a hilarious post my man.
And this is true. All classes have been lifted up and none have been nerfed into the ground, in comparison to regular classic.
Also let’s stop pretending as if druids are garbage in PvP right now. Maybe start playing to the class’s overall strengths (stealth, mobility, DoTs, HoTs, CC). Too many people relied on a broken ability and now they’re realizing that they’re not actually all that good at the game lol.
You’re free to issue a charge-back if you feel you have been deliberately mislead.
Be aware, you will be permanently banned for doing so.
Care to enlighten the masses on where you think a refund should come from? Your $15 a month which pays for access to all versions of wow?
I’m curious if I missed having to pay anything for accessing SoD outside of my monthly sub.
Can’t wait to read the mental gymnastics you’re going to try and pull.
“I don’t actually pay for SoD because I use other things that come with the subscription that I pay for”
Trolling, or?