The developers have now gone back on their public statements to ‘lift other classes up instead of nerfing into the ground’, after I have spent real money based on those statements.
Is it considered normal for a company owned by Microsoft to put out objectively false public statements in order to bait users into spending their money without actually delivering on those promises?
Druids were nerfed into the ground. Starfire is not viable in PVP, the nerf obliterated PVE sustain, and ruined resto dps. The class has been nuked, contrary to the public statements made by the developers. They objectively lied about how they would handle this and took my money anyways.
“I can’t one-shot people anymore, therefore I deserve a refund.”
Reduce SS damage to players by 30-40%. Problem solved.
This isn’t even the issue. The developers communicating they wouldn’t handle nerfs like this, and then doing it anyways after taking my money is the problem.
At least hunter runes actually worked, the class was still viable and valuable to the raid, and the person balancing it seems to actually play the class.
Druid has been nerfed into the ground, both for PvE and PvP.
Starsurge was obnoxious but their changes are equally bad.
Not having the mana to consistently cast Starfire through your rotation, let alone cast Sunfire or Moonfire despite having 2 runes solely designated towards mana sustain is ridiculous.
The spec is as good as dead right now until they fix something.
That’s not even addressing the fact it’s I believe the only caster without any hit rating talents or threat reduction talents. (Which honestly we won’t need whilst we can’t dps anyway)
Only reason I still play the class is I made an unreasonably unlikely bet yesterday, and that was that during our BFD xp run if the Kelris staff dropped (we hadn’t seen a single on throughout P1) and I won it I would continue to persevere with this dev forsaken spec.
As fate would have it our first staff dropped and I beat all the other casters for the roll despite only rolling 55.
If it wasn’t for that extremely unlikely event (I also roll notoriously bad) I would have been swapping out as of today.
I’m not a lawyer and this isn’t legal advice, but publicly shaming companies for lying to their customers and taking their money anyways is a valuable tool consumers can use to spread awareness about unethical business practices. They need to be offering refunds on the basis of going back on public statements.
Yeah, druid runes are an extra level of stinky. Feral runes contradict each other. Resto runes look like they are meant for 60. 2 Balance druid runes to help with mana but they dont based on how the devs wnat you to play.
Nevermind, every other class Ive played you can mix and match runes. The druid runes are all very specific to spec. There is nearly no mixing for fun or to change up gameplay.