My Char name is Azwrath Lv60 NE Alliance Hunter, I believe lots of you knows me already. I am writing this post because I have been scammed by Galeikith Lv60 Human Rogue Alliance. Recently, I have decided to quit the game and so I decide to sell the 20k gold that I farmed in Dire Maul North since the beginning of its release. I contacted Galeikith in Discord who I know does a lot of GDKP runs. We made a deal of 20000G for $1450AUD.
We agreed to trade in halves (10k gold for $725)x2. He provided a screenshot of the international transfer receipt (also on his mobile a text message from the Bank saying the transaction was sent successfully) for the first 10k and I gave him the first 10k gold. For the second payment he sent me a screenshot of a transaction and I gave him the second 10k. The first transaction was received successfully the day after he sent money. The second transaction was sent on Wednesday 10th of Jun (he could not show me the text transation on hes phone from the bank ). 5 days later and my bank did not receive anything under his name. The second receipt screenshot does not match my account details and Galeikith says the bank said funds has been deducted and transfer has been made but he refuses me to show his transaction history of the day and says he doesn’t have receipt. So he either never sent me the money or cancelled it before it was received.
I know buying/selling gold is against ToS but scamming is worse.