Momentum is still a cringe playstyle

This is just called off-meta babes.

Welcome to the club. Lol

More people should test stuff and use what they want. New meta comes from off-meta.

I kinda wish the momentum buff lasted slightly longer so you could just fel rush whenever you get the buff from immo aura instead of having to fel rush constantly.


bump, still sucks


Bump, doesn’t suck

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Bump, momentum is bad remove it


they’re FORCING us to play it too they nerfed every other build to the ground eyebeam hits like a wet noodle even with all the talents that buff it


Yeah I agree. I wouldn’t mind if it were a 3% difference but it’s not, it’s like a 20% difference when everything is factored in.

Intertia was a step in the right direction but they need to reduce the amount of procs. Make it one good window every minute or so. Current intertia feels like old momentum, which is just terrible all around.

They need to just make momentum a defensive talent and completely remove all damage bonuses, and perhaps even make it baseline or on a defensive choice node. Make it so that when you fel rush you take massively reduced damage for a few seconds or whatever. That would increase the skill cap for a high end DH while still allowing for good throughput without feeling like you’re a toddler with ADHD. Furthermore it would greatly increase our raid utility first by giving us advantages in soaking and second by making it easier for us to stay in the stack for applicable boss strats.

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Tossing my vote into the Momentum is Cringe pile.


I dont mind it that much. Is it annoying? Sure is. I was excited for extensive talent trees to come back with this expansion hoping it would open up to more viable styles for specs. I know thats not entirely possible for every class and spec. But what I don’t understand is why force the other talents that offer alternate playstyles to suck? “PLAY IT THIS WAY OR WE WILL MAKE YOU SUCK” is a pretty crap mentality to have designing classes


I enjoy movement play style, was way too easy and 1-dimensional before, imho

Hello, cringe department? Yeah, Momentum is still here.

I’m glad Blizz added complexity to Havoc, but my gosh it feels bad to use mobility for damage. Even the Low Mover build gives me an 8-9 button rotation, so I’m satisfied.


It literally stacks up to 30 times, it would be odd if it didn’t.

I also like that, I didn’t play Havoc in BFA due to how easy and uninteresting it got. It felt like the spec was lacking spells.

This. Exactly this.

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But this is what a class is, it has identity and rigid spells, talents work around changing passives and your “gameplay background”. Havoc is a spec that has to move, just like Unholy has to summon undeads to do damage. The thing is that not all classes are made for everyone, and we have plenty of classes and specs nowadays.

By that notion, blizzard shouldn’t waste their time coming up with talents that alter playstyle at all. Set in stone from the beginning how the class is going to play and be done with it so people don’t get deterred and upset later on when their prefer talent style isn’t “meta”. I do get where you’re coming from though.

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Well, we also have to remember that when DH first came out in Legion it was a very new and recent class, so it was obvious that something was going to change for them in the future, this happened with DKs and monks too, and will certainly happen with evoker.

I understand that some people, or most people don’t like to have to keep moving much. DH is also like the only class thas has this amount of mobility in the game, the community is not completely used to it yet.

I played it in Legion, the whole expansion, and I am playing it back now in DF. Though I am more of a PvPer, so I was always very used to abusing every mobility spell of the class, so my Momentum is basically always on without me having to remember to activate it.

I hated it till i got use to it. Dont mind it in M+, but not in raid.

At this point they just should be different trees specs. It the only way forward now imo.

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What’s cringe for you could be someone else’s favorite. It’s only one spec that plays this way.