How on earth do i get to the Molten Front?
I thought i did all the quests in Mount Hyjal and i cant find any quest givers and I have no idea what I am doing
I tired opening a ticket and they just tell me to go to wowhead but I cant find the info I need there either, and that response, frankly has me ready to just unsub because if customer support cant tell me what I am doing wrong Or what I need to do next whats the point of customer support. That response is more frustrating that not being able to figure this quest out
You probably missed something. It’s impossible to know what however. You will have go through everything in the zone and make sure you have the “show low level quests” turn ON(on the minimap). For some reason I’ve noticed that this can be OFF on characters.
140 remaining quests in [Mount Hyjal]( for [Sikviki](https://https// from US-Moon Guard.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|1|[The Voice of Goldrinn](|80|||
|2|[Goldrinn's Ferocity](|80|||
|3|[Lycanthoth the Corruptor](|80|||
|4|[Cleaning House](|80|||
|5|[The Shrine Reclaimed](|80|||
|6|[Sweeping the Shelf](|80|||
|7|[Lightning in a Bottle](|80|||
|8|[Return from the Firelands](|80|||
|9|[Into the Maw!](|80|||
|10|[Into the Maw!](|80|||
|11|[Hero's Call: Mount Hyjal!](|80|||
|12|[Trial By Fire](|80|||
|13|[In Bloom](|80|||
|14|[End of the Supply Line](|80|||
|15|[In the Rear With the Gear](|80|||
|16|[Harrying the Hunters](|80|||
|17|[Signed in Blood](|80|||
|18|[Your New Identity](|80|||
|19|[Twilight Training](|80|||
|20|[Walking the Dog](|80|||
|21|[Gather the Intelligence](|80|||
|22|[From the Mouth of Madness](|80|||
|23|[Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows](|80|||
|24|[Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power](|80|||
|25|[The Eye of Twilight](|80|||
|26|[Mastering Puppets](|80|||
|28|[Seeds of Discord](|80|||
|29|[Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak](|80|||
|30|[The Greater of Two Evils](|80|||
|31|[Twilight Territory](|80|||
|32|[Return to Duskwhisper](|80|||
|33|[Speech Writing for Dummies](|80|||
|34|[Graduation Speech](|80|||
|35|[As Hyjal Burns](|80|||
|36|[Protect the World Tree](|80|||
|37|[War on the Twilight's Hammer](|80|||
|38|[The Captured Scout](|80|||
|39|[Twilight Captivity](|80|||
|41|[A Prisoner of Interest](|80|||
|42|[Through the Dream](|80|||
|43|[Gar'gol's Gotta Go](|80|||
|44|[Waste of Flesh](|80|||
|45|[Get Me Outta Here!](|80|||
|46|[Inciting the Elements](|80|||
|47|[Aessina's Miracle](|80|||
|48|[Fighting Fire With ... Anything](|80|||
|49|[Disrupting the Rituals](|80|||
|50|[Save the Wee Animals](|80|||
|51|[Oh, Deer!](|80|||
|52|[If You're Not Against Us...](|80|||
|53|[Seeds of Their Demise](|80|||
|54|[A New Master](|80|||
|55|[The Name Never Spoken](|80|||
|56|[Return to Alysra](|80|||
|57|[Black Heart of Flame](|80|||
|58|[Emerald Allies](|80|||
|59|[The Earth Rises](|80|||
|60|[The Bears Up There](|80|||
|61|[The Return of Baron Geddon](|80|||
|62|[The Flameseer's Staff](|80|||
|63|[Smashing Through Ashes](|80|||
|64|[Durable Seeds](|80|||
|66|[Fresh Bait](|80|||
|67|[A Champion's Collar](|80|||
|68|[Grudge Match](|80|||
|69|[Agility Training: Run Like Hell!](|80|||
|70|[Prepping the Soil](|80|||
|71|[Hell's Shells](|80|||
|72|[Physical Training: Forced Labor](|80|||
|73|[Tortolla Speaks](|80|||
|74|[Breaking the Bonds](|80|||
|75|[Children of Tortolla](|80|||
|76|[An Ancient Awakens](|80|||
|77|[Flight in the Firelands](|80|||
|78|[Wave One](|80|||
|79|[Twilight Riot](|80|||
|80|[Wave Two](|80|||
|81|[Might of the Firelord](|80|||
|82|[The Sanctum of the Prophets](|80|||
|83|[Magma Monarch](|80|||
|84|[The Firelord](|80|||
|85|[Brood of Evil](|80|||
|86|[Death to the Broodmother](|80|||
|87|[Secrets of the Flame](|80|||
|88|[The Gatekeeper](|80|||
|89|[Egg Wave](|80|||
|90|[Flames from Above](|80|||
|91|[Forged of Shadow and Flame](|80|||
|92|[Rage of the Wolf Ancient](|80|||
|93|[Crushing the Cores](|80|||
|94|[Return to Nordrassil](|80|||
|95|[The Return of the Ancients](|80|||
|96|[Commander Jarod Shadowsong](|80|||
|97|[Cindermaul, the Portal Master](|80|||
|98|[Forgemaster Pyrendius](|80|||
|99|[Head of the Class](|80|||
|100|[Slash and Burn](|80|||
|101|[The Fires of Mount Hyjal](|80|||
|102|[The Twilight Egg](|80|||
|103|[The Ancients are With Us](|80|||
|104|[The Wormwing Problem](|80|||
|105|[Scrambling for Eggs](|80|||
|106|[An Offering for Aviana](|80|||
|107|[A Prayer and a Wing](|80|||
|108|[A Plea From Beyond](|80|||
|109|[A Bird in Hand](|80|||
|110|[Fact-Finding Mission](|80|||
|111|[Sethria's Brood](|80|||
|112|[A Gap in Their Armor](|80|||
|114|[The Codex of Shadows](|80|||
|115|[Egg Hunt](|80|||
|116|[Sethria's Demise](|80|||
|117|[Return to the Shrine](|80|||
|118|[An Ancient Reborn](|80|||
|119|[The Hatchery Must Burn](|80|||
|120|[The Last Living Lorekeeper](|80|||
|121|[Return to Aviana](|80|||
|123|[Tortolla's Revenge](|80|||
|124|[Lost Wardens](|80|||
|125|[Pressing the Advantage](|80|||
|127|[Hyjal Recycling Program](|80|||
|128|[The Hammer and the Key](|80|||
|129|[The Third Flamegate](|80|||
|130|[The Time for Mercy has Passed](|80|||
|131|[The Strength of Tortolla](|80|||
|132|[Finish Nemesis](|80|||
|133|[Tortolla's Triumph](|80|||
|134|[Last Stand at Whistling Grove](|80|||
|135|[Wings Over Mount Hyjal](|80|||
|136|[Aviana's Legacy](|80|||
|137|[Good News... and Bad News](|80|||
|138|[The Fallen Guardian](|85|||
|140|[Delegation Tracker](|85|
Sorry for the length.
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If I remember correctly there was a quest that sent you through a portal that unlocked it.
It looks like it’s either Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients or Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!. I’d provide links but I’m not allowed.
I thank you for this, but how do i start the quests if there are no quest givers anywhere on the map?
Supposedly you can pick it up at the Grove of Aessina. Make sure you turn on the option to show outdated quests.
You can throw in a ticket and they can find exactly where you left off or what you have to do. I’ve made plenty of tickets getting stuck on a quest or something and they always help, granted you have to wait like 24 hours to get a response.
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If you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve summoned Tortolla, Cenarius, etc (The Wild Gods) and Tortolla is standing next to the small gate by the river to the Molten Front, then I would be inclined to say/think that the bigger player-passable gate is opened as well, no? They’re located not far from one another; The one the player passes through is very nearly right next to it on top of a hill that curves away from the mountain. If you’re looking at Tortolla if he’s where he should be, just look to the right a little bit.
However: Let it be said that if you’re trying to get to the Firelands Raid, that the portal is not located inside of the Molten Front it self. It’s located inside of Mount Hyjal on a giant flaming citdael.
I went to the giver of the first quest on the list and nothing.
It’s a list of all the quests. You may be missing one in the middle or toward the end. Sometimes you have to farm up a quest that drops off a mob, for instance. It doesn’t appear on the map because there is no questgiver.
I did that zone once as far as getting to the molten front, and it was a few years ago. I remember having to find more quests, but not exactly which ones.
Do you have “show trivial quests” enabled? They won’t show on the map if you don’t, but I don’t know if it also prevents you from interacting with them. You can enable it by clicking the little magnifying glass by the world map and selecting trivial quests.
It wouldn’t disable interacting with old/trivial quests.
I would go back to Ysera and see if she any quest(s) for you to do.
Sorry, I should have included this:
That list of quests is in order. Should be able to figure it out using the list of incomplete quests and that.
Check the first comment to this:
Since i was able to explain what was going on to the GM they told me to submit an in-game bug report about it. I suggest you do the same. Here is the important part of their reply:
“Greetings, Dale!
Welcome to my tavern. I am Game Master Almeehampi, from the distant lands of Blizzard Entertainment Support. Glad you stopped by today; have a seat, and let’s discuss how I can help you today.
I’ve actually received multiple reports such as yours, so, definitely, there appears to be something wrong or not working as intended. I want to assure you that it’s on our radar right now, and we’re working on it. Likewise, I would like to thank you for your time in reporting this already.
Moreover, I kindly ask you to report this as a bug, as our developers are collecting samples to resolve it faster, so stay tuned. But it is better to report it in the game by following these steps:
1- Press Esc or click the ? Button to open the menu.
2- Click Support.
3- Click Submit feedback or bug report.
4- Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
5- Click Submit.
Why do people necro very old threads? This thread is 6 years old.
Moderators should auto delete threads over 2 years old with no activity. This will clean up the forums of very old, dead and buried threads.

The forums probably hasn’t been cleaned out since these forums went live.