"Mole Machine, Go Home" quest bugged

The quest asks you to click on some mole machines, but clicking them always messages “Out of range.” Seems the click box is now smaller than the objects themselves?

Blocking progress on Draenor garrison quest line.


Same issue. Tried ticket resolution suggestions but nothing worked.

I am also having the same issue. I was hoping the patch this morning would fix it but no such luck.

Same thing is happening to me.


I am having the same issue

I’m having the same issue.

I’m having same problem :frowning: any solutions?

No solutions but it has been run up the pole to official report – or at least that’s what my ticket told me.

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Same, been 5 days and still can’t complete the quest. Turned off all addons, dump quest, picked it back up and striped all of my armor. Left the zone several times. Submitted a bug report and ticket. The ONLY way I was able to get one of them was to abandon the quest and stand where one of the mole machines spawns. This puts you inside of when you pick the quest back up. I was then close enough to click the damn thing. However, you can only do this ONCE. Dumping the quest again resets it.

yep me too. very frustrating.

There is a workaround for this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnIQvAvNgK0&t=10s


Seems to be fixed as of today. Managed to complete quest.