Mohawk grenades

Please bring back mohawk grenades.


I pity the fool…


I’ve completely forgot about those :open_mouth:

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How about…
:no_entry_sign: :x:

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Mohawk grenades were funny. Man… remember when WoW had a budget? Those commercials were brilliant.


Those commercials were the best this game ever did.

Night elf Mohawk!


Doubt current staff would do it.
Or the very least don’t want to risk getting small percent of people mad.

mr t pities da fool who doesn’t like mohawk gernades.

I pity the fools that are not down with mohawk grenades.

Also, I regret deleting the troll I had on an Oceanic server that still had the buff in 2020 when I realized that I had two characters on that server when I was trying to find out why I was at the character cap but should have had two left.


I preferred the Chuck Norris, Ozzy Osbourne and William Shatner commercials myself. I mean really…Chuck was roundhouse kicking a KODO. I suppose I could be a bit biased, since he was a hunter…

i enjoyed the commericals and honestly i miss them now. i still remember the outrage people made over them back in the day. like its a silly item that gives a removable disguise you can just right click on, why is it such a huge issue?

Was it removable? I’m getting old enough to have memory faults these days, but I recall that it was a ‘buff’ that couldn’t be removed for an hour. That was why I disliked it so much.

I just looked it up, and the comments on Wowhead seem to agree with me. Someone finally came up with an addon that would remove it.

Did they completely remove them or if a person has em in their bank can they use e?

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I do believe the grenades themselves had a limited time duration once you acquired them whether you were playing or logged out. The buff obviously lasted through log-outs though, so I like to think there are some characters out there still with it in 2023. If we’d have had the 60-character limit back when I needed to delete that troll of mine on 8-11-2020 because I’d still have one with the buff now because I wouldn’t have needed to delete a couple of characters.


I’m Thrallsdadd and I approve this message.

They should definitely bring them back imo. :dracthyr_heart:



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ngl, shatner is the reason i made a shammy back in the day. :joy:

but in all seriousness, if they bring them back, it’ll be in Classic Wrath as that was around back then.

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