Mogging. Just the mogging

I am probably almost maybe entirely 100% convinced we’ll never get player housing. So, I will leave that fight for another thread.

For this thread, I want to rant about transmog.

Blizz continues to move the ball whole centimeters as decades fly by in relation to restrictions in place on what can be mogged. They have announced that upcoming in TWW, we will be able to learn any manner of armor type on any character, so that it can be mogged on the character that uses that armor type.

For instance, Norman heads into SOO and the Garrosh shoulders drop. Norman will be able to learn them so that Norman’s plate-wearing alts can mog them. This is good, but it’s not enough.


They have said in the past that they want to keep armor type restrictions in place so that class identity remains a thing. Plate wearers should not look like priests. Priests shouldn’t look like rogues. Rogues shouldn’t look like hunters. So on. So forth.

So, let’s discuss class identity transmog. Let’s play, guess what class can mog the following:

Footie Pajamas
Rainbow Forest Fairy
Stormwind Guard Armor/Org Grunt Armor
The Haliscan set
Pirate Gear
10 Gallon Niffen Hats
All The Heritage Armor
Dueler Shoulders
Hiding all armor, except your undies
Drake Racers
Love Witch
Darkmoon Harlequin
Valdrakken clothing
Gilnean Nobles
Wooden Leg weapons
Frying pans
Rolling Pins
Fish Mace
Flower Bouquets

The list goes on and on at this point.

Why are we still asking for this? Why are there still arbitrary restrictions? It’s time for Blizz to let it go. The moment every player had access to Yeti footie pj’s, this should have ended.

The only kind-of valid restriction left is tier sets and tbh, after Wrath most of the tier sets got blurred, but that’s fine. Keep tiers to armor type. I would be fine with that.

Everything should be available to everyone.

It’s time.


It really shouldn’t be this hard to remove the cloth/leather/mail/plate restriction nonsense from the transmog system. I know WoW runs on Frankencode, but surely it can’t be that hard to write code to give us this option.

Now, certainly, class-tier is a thing and I can understand the argument for that, but giving players freedom to make their avatars/characters entirely unique can only be a win for Blizzard right now.


I’d love to be able to put Kirsy in a dress. Back in the day, I kept 2 dresses in her bags to wear in place of transmog. I did this prior to transmog being a thing, and then for a couple of expacs going forward.

I don’t bother anymore; I got rid of them for bag space. But I miss the outfits.



Coming back to this, this would actually be a good .2 or .7 content grind. Ethereals want MacGuffinites because their old MacGuffinites have stopped both Mac-ing and Guffin-ing, and we need to go back into old zones with new enemies to fetch Mac-to-Guffin-ite 2.0, The Blingening, to both refuel and upgrade their old services.

We fight Johnny Awesome who wants it for his own self-aggrandizement, help Dumas finally get a sparkle pony of his own (by beating the brakes off of Johnny Awesome with said sparkle pony), deal with some other meme characters being derpy/silly/funny/wangsting, practice Jed’hin with T’partos who has started his own cross-faction Jed’hin stable, with predictably wacky hijinks involved, finally get our hands on all of the shiny new MacGuffin-ara-ara-ite through ore shenanigans, and go back and we can unlock a type of armor that we normally couldn’t transmog over our normal gear.

We then can go back and grind the mini-games to collect more fragments, at a much increased rate, to trade for Clusters which unlock new things in transmog, including the armor-types we didn’t pick the first type, weapon types, toys, pets and unique transmogs. Possibly even a toy that makes us do the T’partos pose and shout our name flamboyantly like he does, just for laughs.

Blizzard, give me :moneybag: already …

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tier sets aren’t even class exclusive, you just can’t get the tier appearance from a tier piece that drops.

My mage is in a few pieces of Antorus priest tier for her transmog.


I agree. I think the best argument is the armor that blurs or outright crosses the line. On my mage I can wear the warden gear. We can already blur and break class identity. Why not just let us fully choose the aesthetics we use? The more mog they add that is usable by all, the more it becomes weirder that previous armor sets are special. Oh you have a warrior in Love Witch armor? That’s fine. Want to rock a mail shoulder? Sorry. That’s not fine.


I want to mix armor types for sure.

I also want them to revamp how the head/face/neck works. Or rather, how it currently doesn’t work. I’d love to be able to wear a hat, scarf, and goggles. Not just one.

While we’re at it, it would be sick if we could toggle hair options with hats.

And finally – but this is a big one! – transmog builds.

I want to be able to load a transmog arrangement with barbershop info. Let us pair barbershop settings with xmog sets so that our hair can change color and style, our skin tone might change, even – this is especially big for Evokers!

Finally, I’d love to tie those builds to macros, so that I can swap outfits during a divine storm. It would just be so funny.


yeah honestly there’s no real point in armor appearance exclusivity

the fact youve been able to wear bits and pieces and class tier sets on alt-classes is enough to prove that, tbqh, and in the past this was even LESS important. when armor and armor class still meant something (classic era), everyone kind of looked similar or the same until a certain level when gear sets started to properly appear.

wow does happen to have the best appearance storage method of all of its contemporaries, as you don’t need to save the appearance or the item with the appearance, you’ve just gotta see it once. ffxiv, swtor, etc all still require some method of limited storage.

even artifact weapon appearances should be cross class. i want to see death knights using the corrupted ashbringer skin, just saying.


I absolutely think that class and armor restrictions are so dumb. I have a Death Knight that I want to dress up in tattered robes and use a staff, damnit.


weapons I can almost understand due to animations, but i would also like to not use daggers in any rogue spec that isn’t Outlaw.


Apparently from some dev interview Blizz said they wouldn’t use generative AI to create stuff but would use AI/ML stuff to re-fit armor for races etc., basically the 3D modelling equivalent of an incredible amount of gruntwork that’s actually too large to even get juniors to do – jobs too big to do for cost/benefit.

I hope this opens up stuff for xmog, like refitting hats around all hairstyles.

I’d love for there to be a mini size for daggers and other items, too. Some cool OH items for casters that clip into the floor for certain races, stuff like that.


It would be pretty cool if that also meant fully moggable Dracthyr too

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Yeah totally, I mained Evoker for this expac and there’s so much that’s aggravating about the half-baked approach they took to our mogs.

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I’m wearing a Paladin set right now lmao. The only piece I can’t get is the pants.

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It has always struck me as really weird and petty that they’ll make a non-tier set for other classes to get, but always leave out a key piece of armor so you can’t complete the set except on that particular class.

Just … why? Who hurt you?


Class identity? What?


My new class is Murloc.

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I’m holding out for Hozen.

This is a prime example of the nonsense though.

Blizz: We don’t want to break immersion, so no free for all on armor mogging
Blizz: We want class identity, so no free for all on armor mogging

Also Blizz: You can all dress up as Sprite Darters and Murlocs. Have fun!


Clearly a Death Knight only mog


You’re going to upset me by making me go to bat for Blizzard, but that’s honestly pretty consistent for them. They’ve always presented the goofy and awkward alongside the severe and serious. Oftentimes, they’re presented in the same breath.

I feel like I’d feel better about class identity if I could get a different archetype with each set of armor.

Sometimes, WoW comes up with cool stuff like the Dashing Scoundrel outfit that makes you look more swashbuckler-ish. But most of the time, it’s just some variation on Spiky Ninja.