Modify Mage T5, 2 Piece Set Bonus Please

Please modify the Mage 2 piece Tier 5 set bonus before phase 2 to remove or reduce the increased mana cost, leave the damage increase.
The reason being is that mana is already terrible for arcane mages, increasing the damage while increasing the mana cost by the same amount really limits the benefit, if the mana cost increase was removed entirely we might see arcane mages challenging warlocks and hunters over longer fights, as it stands arcane drop off even when stacked in a mana replenishing group.

I expect blizzard to ignore this, I also expect trolls to respond with “its fine, get gud”, but just wanted to say it.


Admittedly this is going off of really old memories, but I thought the increased cost only applied to Arcane Blast’s base mana cost, and didn’t scale up like you’d think it did? Back then, I remember that set bonus being single-handedly responsible for making arcane viable at all once the “Mystical Skyfire Diamond machinegunning with Arcane Missiles” gimmick got nerfed, and the set bonus was prized so highly that it actually had to get trashed because arcane mages were refusing to remove it in WotLK.


Does every other class get gear modifications too?


You can modify it yourself with T6 when BT launches.

Seriously is this what happens in retail? Do people just constantly complain over every little thing that doesn’t benefit them? Do the developers actually listen to these endless demands?





Yes, even in Classic whining works. Look at HvH lol.


Meanwhile, hunters are using a dungeon set because the tier bonuses SUCK. I mean, if you’re going to modify bonuses for mages . . .

Why complain about T5 as an Arcane Mage when things like T6 modifying the damage of Arcane Missiles exists?

its fine, get gud

Tier bonuses are on par wit others ie a mixed bag, It’s just your dungeon set bonus is overpowered in comparison. 600ArP with close to 100% uptime is trinket level bonkers.

Aren’t arcane mage parses literally insane atm, I was looking at all star rankings on WCL last night, and almost every top parse in the world atm is either Arcane mage or warrior

You said it

Won’t someone please think of the poor arcane mages?

Arcane excels in SUPER short fights. they can burn an entire mana bar in like what? 30 seconds? Right now we dont have the longer ssc/tk or BT raid bosses where arcane will drop off from the fight length being over 1m 30s. I would be shocked if arcane was NOT the highest right now.

simple, dont play arcane. problem solved.

Some of the sets feel bad. I really dislike not even being able to collect my T4 because it’s hot garbage

But that’s how the game is ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yea but only if you’re part of the horde.

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Arcane is good at crushing content you’re already crushing, extra hard.

As an arcane mage in Phase 1
Arcane is fine. Leave it alone. I don’t have any trouble managing my mana. I’ll have even less in Phase 2. Thank you!

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