Modifier based off help harm

Continuing the discussion from Need Druid macro help:

I know I said that I was good to go but I have one last request. I’ve been trying to do it myself for a few hours now and can’t seem to get it to work. I’m not sure if it’s possible.

/cast [mod:ctrl,@player] [help] [noform,noharm] Rejuvenation; [form:1] Maul; [form:2] Ferocious Bite; [form:3,noharm] Rejuvenation; [form:4] Moonfire; [form:6,noharm] Rejuvenation; Moonfire

This is what I currently have, however I have tried many iterations of trying to get a modifier to work depending on help or harm. Is there anyway for the modifier ability to be different depending on whether the target is help or harm? For example, I would like while in Cat form the ability to be Ferocious Bite, but when CTRL is pressed it is Moonfire for harm and Rejuv for help.

/cast [mod:ctrl,harm] Moonfire; [mod:ctrl] [help] [noform:1/2/4,noharm] Rejuvenation; [form:1] Maul; [form:2] Ferocious Bite; Moonfire