Modern QoL features for Shaman

I’m new to Shaman having played Warrior, Rogue, Hunter since release and DK since WoTLK, followed by DH, Paly, Monk, and now Shaman. To give a point of reference for the QoL features I think would be nice.

The list is in no particular order and please feel free to Add to the list and request any you think would be relevant as well.

Water Water Can we please make this similar to Path of Frost from Frost DK’s. Raid Wide and up until canceled or struck. Makes zero sense to have a 10m CD and single target on a utility spell such as this in modern WoW.

Weapon Imbuements As Enhancement at least there is no choice so why have the tedious nature of clicking a button once a hour to put on a self-buff I’ll always put on. Either just make them passive or give me more options. Perhaps a Healing Debuff imbuement or something to go with Frost Strike such as a root or snare.

Maelstrom Stacks Perhaps something more readable like 2-4 3-5 max instead of 10. Same power level, just adjusted down to a smaller number. I personally like 2-3 with 4-5 for Overflowing Maelstrom.

Button Bloat Quite a few abilities can be reworked into a single ability especially with certain Talents getting Axed. I.E P-Wave can be used for the purpose of Voltaic Blaze and adjusted vs. adding a new talent. Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning could be worked together to trim down the fat as well. Or make Crash Lightning a Weapon Imbuement for Off-hand so there is a choice now.

Updated Talent Suggestions Healing Reduction, Root/Snare break on Feral Lunge, more consistent CD’s either 2m 1m 1.5m but not all 3.

Thanks again. Really enjoying the Shaman so far and the new Spender playstyle on Enhancement.