Moderate prebuilt for wow

Hey guys and gals. My wife and I have been playing WoW for a very long time, but took a one year break due to both our computers pooping out. We’re not technically, or mechanically, savvy at all. Not even a little. We were looking for recommendations on prebuilts that are not horribly priced (<$600 if possible for one). If anyone has any recommendations we would love them. All we are looking for is atleast medium graphic capabilities because we are more casual players now. Thanks so much in advance!

You’ll want to look at the minimum system requirements for Dragonflight & make sure that whatever you buy at least meets those specs. Since they tend to inch upwards with each expansion, you should try to get something better than the minimum if you can. In particular, note that SSDs are part of the minimum requirements - spinning drives are technically no longer supported (they might still work but if not you’re on your own).