Model update discussion

Tauren shaman totems

Same model since 2004

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Nightborne need quite a bit of work. Ideally the model should be much more unique and not just a Night Elf copy.

It would be so great if they just got their own dance!


Sure. A lot of them were updated 13 years ago.

Older than the oldest playable race model in the game right now.

I wish our race mounts didnā€™t look so freaking ugly. The allied races got lucky with their fancier detailed not blocky mounts

Goblin males. Not necessarily a facelift, so much as a reversal. The disneyfied version fromā€¦was it SL or BfA? anyway, they all look the same and way too cutesy. I had one that looked like a shady greaseball. Meh.

Why stop at unique dances?

The Nightborne are a heavily magic-oriented race - we need unique casting animations, too!


draenei females need to get their face redone. give them elf faces.

portraits of fruit

Honestly ,humans look fine compare to the way they us to and donā€™t get me started on Wod when they first started,gg. If humans are related to throgs please,just tell us so.

Just saying the Forsaken community has been asking for an upright option since alpha: Upright Forsaken Models - Overdue Character Customization āœ“

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The Zeppelins and Boats.

Iā€™d say Kul Tiran humans are the most awful thing we have in game right now.

But some other races need a few improvementsā€¦ You see, the ā€œupdatedā€ models we got were created trying to preserve the ā€œessenceā€ of the old models, thatā€™s why humans run like they have diapers, or why Night Elf proportions look odd (resulting in odd looking Nightborne too)

We need remodels from the ground up. Not just some 4K texture.