[Horde/Alliance NA]
[Heavy RP]
((The Modas il Toralar is possibly the oldest guild on Cenarion Circle that is still somewhat active. It has been around since the time of vanilla, and has gone in and out of bouts of activity, mostly due to the server population and myself going AFK.
The Modas is a chaotic guild, that lives by a motto of:
Order through atrocity. Peace through fear. Faith in the Modas il Toralar.
It is a hierarchal guild, with Armaya Shade currently leading. We do unethical things and are looking for unethical characters and the sort to come join us.
I am hoping to start a biweekly RP event, bringing back our long “Black Hand Society” in the coming week or so.
With guilds being cross-server, I hope that this guild may bring in new people from other RP Servers.
If you’d like to join, or have any questions, you can message me on Armaya, or join the ModasOOC server channel, or add me on Araceli#1971. ))
Dornogal. Orgrimmar. Silvermoon. Stormwind. Ironforge. Exodar. Shattrath. Oribos. Major cities all over, parchments cluttered the ground, hung on doors, at the banks, the auction houses, the taverns and vendors.
“The Modas il Toralar seeks you. Join our ranks today.”
A simple statement, for those who knew of the chaos that Modas had been responsible for in years past, the fear that the organization had instilled in many throughout Azeroth. The time for Modas to return was now.