Thank you! Sadly the guild was only myself, but I have joined that discord and am looking forward to attending events and looking into guilds to join. I’m Araceli on the discord, if that matters.
Can’t wait to see you all around the server.
Thank you! Sadly the guild was only myself, but I have joined that discord and am looking forward to attending events and looking into guilds to join. I’m Araceli on the discord, if that matters.
Can’t wait to see you all around the server.
There’s really no need to apologize. We’re all just trying to make our way in this entertaining pastime.
It’s a rare gift to find a new place that you click with and I sincerely wish you the best here on WrA, Armaya.
Just nevermind lol
While that’s kind of sad, I totally get it. All my guilds from CC tried to hang on for as long as possible but eventually had to admit the server was just too small after around Cata to sustain a whole lot of RP anymore. That’s when I came over to WRA and eventually rolled some ally alts on MG.
Good luck! It was still very cool seeing that guild tag pop up randomly after so many years!
I certainly wish you well also.