Mod for making character more visible?

the older i get the worse my eyes get and sometimes i lose my character in a crowd. ive tried putting a mark over their head but doesnt help. is there a mod or weakaura that puts a circle under my toon or something to make them easier to see in a crowd?

dont say get glasses lol.

Wear glowy armor or any bright colors

I’ve actually done that a few times just so people knew where not to stand cuz cleave damage

ill try that

iirc there’s actually a built in option for that in the interface options, I’ve never used it though so I can’t say much about it. I think it only shows up when you’re in an instance group e.g. dungeon raid?

Addons can’t interact with the 3d world, only put textures or other things on top of it. There is an weakaura to put something in the center of your screen (where your character always is unless you use the action cam).

There is a UI setting that makes your character have a highlight/glow around it. Same sort of highlight you see when you target a npc.


Same issue here, old age and all the flashing lights keeps my little brain from being able to track my toon. LIke Gruuhhar said, you can find a highlight op. It has helped me a great deal and a mouse marker for tracking.

where is this setting?

Gameplay, combat, “raid self highlight”

i tried setting this. nothing happened.

This only works in raids and BGs

You can make a WeakAura (or import an existing one) for a crosshair. Many competitive players put a crosshair on the screen.

I made this one just now. You’ll need to calibrate it to your character and camera distance.



The “personal spotlight” toy.

You’ll need to have a lvl 3 garrison. There’s an NPC that sells it for 100g.

Just get that and keybind it. You can use it in dungeons and raids - only you can see it

I had this happening and I just drew a circle around my character on my monitor with a highlighter. They used to say I was dumb in grade school. Whose laughing now?


this is exactly what i need


I don’t have an issue with finding my character. But I do have an issue finding the mouse cursor, especially when there’s too much going on. Such as during some raid fights or at the Soup event.

I use Cursortrail mod to fix this.

omg thank you so much for this!

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there’s no way to anchor the ring to the character, but hopefully that works often enough to keep you centered. :slight_smile:

it helps so much. its perfect! thank you again!

Unfortunately addons are not allowed to draw things on the game world, and any form of modification that did that would put you at risk of a ban.

It would be a nice QoL change if Blizz added it as an actual option though, as well as an option to make the mouseover highlight permanent for your character.