Heyo! I wanted to post a few Outlaw specific macros that have made playing outlaw (specifically in PvP) feel a lot better. Many of them can be altered for more / other abilities. I think most of these are quite essential for a minimalistic ui / keybind space without compromising and remaining efficient.
Vanish if combat, otherwise stealth: (No wasted vanishes)
#showtooltip vanish
/castsequence [combat] Vanish; Stealth
Ambush if stealth, ss if not: (Save keybind / time on wrong ability spam)
/cast [stance] Ambush; Sinister Strike
/cast !stealth
Mouseover shadowstep, no mouseover → enemy → friendly: (Fast + flexible)
#showtooltip shadowstep
/cast [@mouseover,exists] [@target,harm,nodead] [@target,help,nodead] shadowstep
Buff up at start of arena: (Underhanded Upper Hand prep)
#showtooltip adrenaline rush
/castsequence reset=7 blade flurry, !stealth, roll the bones, adrenaline rush, slice and dice
Cancel Shadow Dance → Stealth → Distract: (Save ui space / fast stealth + distract)
#showtooltip stealth
/cancelaura shadow dance
/cast [combat][stealth]Distract;!Stealth
BTE if stealth, eviscerate if not: (Crackshot + save ui space + no long CD BTE)
/cast [stance] between the eyes; eviscerate
/cast !stealth
Shadow Dance Go: (Ghostly strike at target + shadow dance go + sub go)
#showtooltip Shadow Dance
/use 13
/cast shadow blades
/cast !Shadow Dance
/cast ghostly strike
Roll → GS → Blade Rush: (Mini go without shadow dance or vanish)
/castsequence reset=7 roll the bones, Ghostly Strike, blade rush
/use 13
/cast adrenaline rush
Blind @mouseover, or focus, if no mouseover, or target if no mouseover or focus:
#showtooltip Blind
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [@focus,harm,nodead] [@target,harm,nodead] blind
Stealth before sap: (If somehow you dropped stealth, puts you in stealth again)
#showtooltip sap
/cast !stealth
/cast sap
Faster hook @cursor: (much faster)
/cast [@cursor] grappling hook
1 button poisons: (Can switch to instant for pve)
/cancelaura crippling poison
/castsequence reset=3 wound poison, crippling poison
Undead cannib + eat in stealth: (heal up if out of combat)
#showtooltip stealth
/cast Cannibalize
/use Conjured Mana Bun
/cast Stealth