Mobs stuck on level 30, Char is 35

Level 35 Shaman, questing in WP and EP. Began one-shotting mobs and noticed they are stuck on level 30 for me whilst I am almost 36. Barthilas server. Zoning out, exiting, resetting the UI, nothing helped. Getting quest experience but no xp from mob kills. Becoming boring. Please fix.


sounds like you didn’t use Chromie Timewalking thingy to set the mobs to scale on you and you went straight way to quest normaly. Bc of this, the mobs stop scaling at lvl 30 which is the max level they get in the old World

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I stayed in Vanilla. Who needs to timewalk?

Just rechecked Chromie to be sure, and there is no choice to remain in Vanilla. If you are correct regarding the level limit then its a bug that has wrongly capped the mobs. Previous to this I started a Shaman on the new starting zone, quested through to the dungeon quest, only to have the Group Finder refuse to list me saying I hadnt chosen a suitable role, despite it defaulting to dps as enhanced. Ultimately I was stuck on the island unable to progress. Ended up deleting and starting an allied race shaman instead.

This game has gone downhill since Wrath. Why did I think that this would be the expansion to turn things around? Why the mess? Its not like Blizzard hasnt done an expansion before. Becoming disillusioned fast.

since this pre patch, there’s a new option while leveling called Chromie Timewalking or something like that. You basically talk to Chromie and choose the expansion you want to level up in. This way, all the mobs will scale to your level up until lvl 50, which is the, right now, max level until we get to Shadowlands proper. As soon as you ding 50, you get automatlically ported back to your faction’s capital city and all the mobs return to the max level of the expansion they’re part off. The old world is lvl 30, and since you started questing without choosing any expansion from Chromie, the game assumed you were , in fact, questing in BfA which meant all the old world content wouldn’t scale after lvl 30!!!

If you are not using chromie time,zones scale their mobs within specific level ranges.

Bring up your map and click on it to zoom out to the continent map. Hover your mouse over a zone to see its level range.

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It’s actually cataclysm, I have no clue whose bright idea it was to “hide” vanilla inside of cata, but that’s how you get EK/Kalimdor/Vanilla as a timewalk.

Seriously? Blizzard developers get bonuses for making content obscure and complicated now? Hey, on the positive side tho, one-shotting mobs is great for farming mats, and you do still progress, albeit slower, through quest experience, herb picking etc. It also impresses and confounds other players when you run through a fight and paw-swat their mob for them, killing them instantly. But I really just want to learn my new class. I did wonder why I initially ended up in BfA. Thank you all for your replies. Shall return to Chromie and try Cata choice.

Yeah the no Chromie Time “option” is for players who still want to level normally where zones still cap out at their appropriate levels. I’m doing this on my new Demon Hunter, not using Chromie Time at all, going through every expansion though much quicker than I expected.

I think it was mainly due to how 4/5 cata zones (the old 80-85 zones) require flying to fully complete. The only one that doesn’t is Vashj’ir since that takes place under water. And you don’t get flying until level 30 now.

I can kind of see the point in that all the old vanilla zones were modified for cataclysm so they may technically be Cata zones but whatever the reason, It could have been publicized better.