Mobilize the RP Community and take the free transfers to Bloodsail. Hear me out

I know this situation sucks. I know we don’t want to “lose” to these transfers who have no intention of RPing and have infested the server with toxicity. But they are not going to leave because we asked them to. There is a good chance these queues will remain for months, or for a majority portion of the expansion. I’m putting forth the argument for a mass transfer to the only other RP server, Bloodsail Buccaneers. There are free transfers open right now.

  1. Community. I know you’ve created a storied history on Grobbulus and to consider leaving would be an affront to the Grobb Mob that has been a joy to so many. But Grobbulus the server is not what we’re trying to save, it’s the Grobb Mob itself, the players across both factions, who have made the server what it is. The friends, the interactions, the rivalries, the personalities. Grobbulus the server is no longer RP-PvP, it has become just another PvP Megaserver with an RP community. If we moved to Bloodsail, we would finally bring together the two remaining bastions of RP onto the same server for amazing new adventures.

  2. Queue Times. Thunderhoof Tribe itself has been unable to play together because of the 6+ hour queues, and many others are unable to come home and spend an evening reliving WOTLK. Is it Blizzard’s fault for such atrocious mismanagement? Absolutely. But they are not going to fix this for us. We have to save ourselves. The server Bloodsail Buccaneers is not dead. It has a healthy population, skewed in favor of the Alliance. It has an active RP community and active raiding guilds on both factions. I can only imagine the amazing RP that would come about from doubling its community.

  3. WPvP. This is the biggest sacrifice that would be made. Bloodsail is RP-PvE and east coast. We would lose the ability to ambush each other out in the open world. However, we could still flag for PvP and encourage others who enjoy such to do the same, and even coordinate controlled WPvP events to this effect.

Is this a perfect solution? Of course not. But I don’t want to lose the friends and faces I’ve come to enjoy logging on to play with now that Grobbulus has become an overcrowded toxic wasteland, where we have to layer hop just to find casual RP. I strongly urge the RP community to come together and have an honest discussion about whether staying on Grobbulus is going to pan out in the long run, and if we really want this to be our experience for Classic WOTLK.


I love the effort, but if you look down the forums just a little ways you’ll see my thread from pre-patch that said this exact same thing and warned people.

Nobody listened and it was pretty effectively shut down because people on Grobbulus refuse to abandon the PvP tag.

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I agree wholeheartedly, but it’s not gonna happen for most players.

I think the PvP tag is a big deal for a lot of people. I personally will be going PvP flag enabled on Bloodsail for Wrath, but I know I will not get as much WPvP as I would get on Grobbulus.

RP-PvP and cross faction RP needs to happen though. And Grobbulus’ megaservers and layering prevents that. So I would wholeheartedly encourage people to move to BSB for RP.


I haven’t played on Grobb, the ques are just to long, went reroll on Angerforge. I have a 65 lock on BSB, but its hard to play there due to the lack of PVP, the people I have met there are awesome, just not as PVP minded as I would like. If an exodus of RPPVP players from Grob would go there I would be tempted to play there.

You aren’t going to get a “mass” amount of players to go anywhere asking on the forums anyway. Bloodsail is one of the servers open to a bunch of the mega servers to transfer as well.