Mob Tagging is Dumb

You would think a nice QoL change would be to have the shared Mob Tagging in place, this is quite annoying watching 5 to 6 other people tag one mob just to complete one quest.


Yea I mentioned this in early Cata beta on the forums.

The leveling experience especially on day 1 with the big crowds would have been so much smoother with modern tagging.

Also they need to change certain quests like the Deepholm one where you drop buff totems so it works on already buffed mobs.

People standing around waiting on timers and trying to to tag things maybe authentic to the original experience, but it’s not necessary and should just be improved.

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be careful or they might tell you to go to retail


I mean, very obviously if someone has this sort of complaint, they are used to Retail, and asking for a Retail feature. Not that I personally feel Cataclysm Classic is closer to Classic Era than to Retail.


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It shouldnt matter if its a retail feature, its a Quality of Life enhancement. Its not messing with anything in the original game it just makes it easier to quest.

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thats just an improvement
mobs doesnt get easier, nor quests
its just a painkiller
why would it be considered a retail feature instead of a plain improvement?
just because retail has it?



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I mean it is a feature in retail, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

I would argue modern tagging systems are more MMO-like where oldschool tagging was anti-social and encourages negative behavior. Oldschool tagging turns the game into Disneyland with long lines where modern tagging allows you to participate in the world with everyone around you seamlessly without having to think as much about non-immersive game mechanics.

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It seems that some “boss” mobs can be individually tagged, and others cannot. It would be nice if it were at a minimum consistent, but it would be really nice if these mobs were at least all taggable.

Player density is much higher than it was back in the day, so it would be a good change if they could find a way around the obvious farming exploit that would enable. Problem is, I don’t think they have a way to separate getting a tag from getting a chance at loot from that mob.

Imagine asking other players around you to group up and complete quest.

Retail is a solo game. Incels like to play by themselves.


Imagine asking said player and they decline because theyre in queue for a dungeon.

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i just looked this up today looks like they dont do that until legion
ngl thats quite some time to just then implement that

No? It only forces me to help whomever hits the same mob as me - people who possibly just took the ressource, I was fighting my way to, or did not throw me a buff or a heal when I helped them. I really want very much to decide whom to group with or whom not to - shared tagging is a form of forced grouping.
Group up if you want co-tagging.

Imagine trying to argue that grouping for 5 seconds for a quest and then separating is somehow social or better than just being able to seamlessly play with people around you as they are there.

Further imagine being so delusional that you think that makes for a better MMO experience than just being able to seamlessly play with people around you.

Not having shared tagging allows you to grief other people by denying them access to quest mobs and forcing them to wait in a line and wait for respawns instead of just playing out in the world more organically and less like they’re waiting in a line for a ride at a theme park.

i will tag your mob from 45 yards away and there’s nothing you can do about it

Or those 3 people are in group and don’t want you there.

Which is fine. They have a system, their say 3 man has a purpose. Loot worked out maybe, maybe all friends are giving clothe to tailor for bag hookups. All skins to one skinner. Who knows

But yeah my solo play is I am usually in rdf. Even if it didn’t break it, I’d just vanish. I am bad at leaving before quest turn in lol. Leave, and go oh crap, I forgot to turn in quest.

So I have a couple lingerers. I will take the rdf pop to turn that in at least. I am deployed to under the sea, I can’t swing by these places after lol.

Idk, I’ve just asked to group, and people do. Doesn’t seem that hard. The only issue comes in when there are multiple groups fighting over the very same NPC. I’ve run into this a few times…

patience I guess.

Or Add ons like questie. It will show some far out areas where quest mobs are at. So you get some peace and quiet if lucky,