My wife was struggling to keep the upgrade tracks straight. Which one was better than the next, etc. She would frequently ask me: “Is Champion better than Veteran?” or “Is Adventurer better than Explorer?”
Now before you jump to the notion that it’s obvious from the gear item levels relative to their upgrade level; that’s fine for players who clearly understand the system, but new or returning players often don’t know what they are looking at and it can be overwhelming!
So I came up with this WoW-related Mnemonic Device to help her remember the order:
Every Alliance Victory Claims Horde.
(E)very - (Explorer)
(A)lliance - (Adventurer)
(V)ictory - (Veteran)
(C)laims - (Champion)
(H)orde - (Hero)
Since it seemed to help her I figured I’d post it here in case it helps any other new/returning players. =)