MMR should be account wide not only per character

Definitely not. If I don’t practice one spec why should I be my normal rank on that spec. I would get destroyed.

this is one of the main reason why your idea is trash

UH is undertuned, so why should someone be punished for wanting to play their UH by putting them in MMR lobbies similar to their main? you understand that only furthers the FOTM meta each season, right? no one would ever play non-S tier alts assuming they’d bother playing alts at all

your suggestion would nail the coffin much faster than anything currently happening

instead to talk that way then give some idea the pvp is dying you like it or not since legion

but just admit you are to scared to face player in the same rating as you like you main

but if you prefer to says my idea ‘‘is trash’’ then go ahead we listen give a idea that will save the pvp and maybe player will come back

the top rated outlaw rogue in RSS in NA right now is 1900

my mage is around 1900 MMR and CR wise i’m like top 80

my mage has been my main since Sunwell, and i’ve played outlaw maybe 3 times since Legion when i made the character

your suggestion would actually put me in the top .01% of all outlaw rogues- MMR wise- when outlaw is objectively the worst spec in the game currently

you can’t actually not understand this, right?

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Stop treating glads and r1s like gods and just grind some games

Seems like that would be something that could be heavily abused with alts and ladder manipulation.

Then again, any system they think of will be exploited and abused.

But… but… unholy is the anti-caster spec…

if i logged into an evoker right now that i’ve never played i shouldn’t be 2300 mmr

The first and obvious reason this is a stupid idea

MMR usually takes care of this issue just fine. If I hop on an alt Warr and win 10 games in a row then it gets me out of the newbie pool in a timely manner. If I hop on a Shadow Priest and go negative by losing a ton then it’ll keep me down there until I’m winning more.

Usually people lower than they should be, or what you might perceived as lower than they should be, at learning alts, gearing, playing a new comp, playing with a friend, helping a friend gear, etc.

Good players will usually be out of low MMR quickly anyway. Really no reason for this except for maybe right now because MMR has almost stopped lol.

Skirms are a terrible place to learn a spec. They’re only good for testing addons and when you’re bored.

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And I’m coming for them.

Maybe not complete MMR account wide, but if you have 1+ high rated toons your new-to-bg alts are somewhat elevated, but not to the same level?

To a point yes, but you can’t ignore the fact that over 90% of PVPers have never hit 1800 on any ladder. Ludus labs is down now (so we can’t see DF play) but back in SL, getting to 2100 in 3s put you in the top 4% of the entire ladder - by the last season it was 2%. Why would you design a game that only caters to 2-4% of the players?

If the game is designed correctly, people are having fun, can see the road to progress and can slowly climb if they continue working at it. Right now there is no real “middle class” of WoW (1400-2000CR) as they’ve left in droves so you’re stuck with an insanely sandwiched ladder where 1300 players run into 2100 players and 2400 players run into 1400 players constantly. Not fun for anyone.

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Account-wide MMR would never work and it’s not really fair, but you could put in brackets with rubber banding based on in-season achievements.

EG. Player hits 2100 achieve in 3s this season. The banding is set to -600MMR vs achievements so even if they make an alt, their MMR never drops below 1500 even if they lose.

You’d have to find the sweet spot for what banding makes sense, but it would more or less achieve what OP wants without relentlessly punishing good play. Because realistically if you hit 2100 on one char, you’re probably ok at 1500 with every char and no one 1200 should ever really be fighting you anywhere other than unrated play.

No, MMR already serves to move people to where they need to be in a somewhat timely fashion.

I’m much better at pvp on my healer than my dps.

I’ll have to disagree with ya.



Read the title already strongly disagree.

Just because I’m decent at a rogue does not mean that translates well to another character. Skill at 1 thing does not mean skill at all things.


It seems to be that way (partially) Maybe but it should be spec-wide for your account so you can’t just roll 10 arms warriors. On the other hand, the ultra sweats will just make more accounts so there would have to be a rule to prevent that.