MMR should be account wide not only per character

No, MMR already serves to move people to where they need to be in a somewhat timely fashion.

I’m much better at pvp on my healer than my dps.

I’ll have to disagree with ya.



Read the title already strongly disagree.

Just because I’m decent at a rogue does not mean that translates well to another character. Skill at 1 thing does not mean skill at all things.


It seems to be that way (partially) Maybe but it should be spec-wide for your account so you can’t just roll 10 arms warriors. On the other hand, the ultra sweats will just make more accounts so there would have to be a rule to prevent that.

that what i wanna pointed at some people just gate keeping the MMR with they multiple class they already have like for example ‘‘oh i got bad luck on vault, good then i’m going to make another war to have my loot i want’’ and by doing that they gate keeping the other player who wants to push and stop doing pvp

I more so dont understand ehy is inflated season an issue in many ppl eyes.
Why players beign at 3k + rating in week 3 is an issue?
Why does that matter and to who?
If ppl are 5k rated by now…what would change in the game realy? escept glad beign free.

It would be 1000billion times better and more alive than whats goibg on now with fighting r1 at 1.9 and getting 0 for 4/2

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That’s because you actually had to be good to get glad in cata

Modern glad is closer to percentile duelist than percentile gladiator

Those shadowlands glad mounts are literally duelist mounts and the dragonflight glad mount are just duelists playing ret warr fistweaver or ret demo rsham

You aren’t fighting percentile glads at 1700mmr unless they are playing a mega alt

This would work as an option/toggle. But as something that is forced on you absolutely not.

A lot of people can alt/multiclass extremely well, but there are even more that are abysmal on a different class or even spec.

the mmr goes up every week. the real problem with the game is that there are no more players playing. and about old expansions, it’s a widow’s thing. past is past. the wow was facilitated and period.

@edit: What’s the difference between shadowland gladiator and bfa? none.

Not really.

it’s hard to put account-wide MMR because you’re playing different classes and might be good at one but not so great at the other. You need inflation but Blizzard is too stupid to realize.

Yes let me gear up my alt in high rated lobbies in all blue gear

Can some one translate, half of the post is gibberish

strangely seem all people on this thread did understand what i did write maybe try to read, that will not hurt you

It’s not exactly clear what’s being requested/suggested. Account-wide mmr simply won’t work, and having all specs of the same mmr shared or seeded to some degree also causes a range of issues as long as gearing exists.

The matchmaking system, for the most part, does a pretty okay job of pushing people up or down until they’re roughly where they should be in terms of skill.

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but could be better, the point is to bring more players to PvP not make them sick and not does any PvP content because there not enough player anymore and thus pushing is becoming to hard now.

i really wish a return from the system from MoP and Cata these 2 extension was the golden age of PvP and pushing was fun because tier set was easy to get with the honor and conquest point system and was solely for the PvP and also most of the class was pretty much on point.

And now the tier set if you do only pvp you need to cross you finger to have a piece from you vault just for that, That create a huge disparity amongs players and that where i did pointed at with my example with the war earlier

Yeah, and people moving to where they need to be usually reduces frustrations. People not climbing is an early season deflationary matter.

We can make tier now. Everybody will have 4 piece in 3 weeks.

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i was talking before that some of my guildmate did have they 4 set in 4 or 5 week so they did have a advantage toward the other players who didn’t have they tier set

Yeah, and everybody will be caught up in a few weeks, which is still fairly early in the season.

hey i was partialy right there was a problem with the MMR :smiley: