Mmr is such a joke

first, I really dont care about cr. I was hopeful this would be good content. came out of the gate on opening season and got to 1600+ and realized the mmr was broken and blitz was a joke. If I got fools on my team I got no problems taking a 200cr hit. This format is a joke. I won four in a row today and my mmr was 1510 for my fifth game. lol
Personally I don’t care at all but I’m thinking that a lot of new players excited about a rated bg system probably won’t even understand wth is going on. Or even want to play.
If you win games, your mmr should go up. Never down.


You can’t see your MMR. The MMR you are seeing is an average of all the players on your team.

Maybe Blizz could do a better job of explaining this…or make it simpler, idk.

“i dont care”

makes multipl threds blaming everything but self 4 being 42-64 (40% winrate) at 1400

This is the only post I’ve made. Can you link me to the other threads I’ve made? Or are you just running your mouth pal

If you are leaving games, it will -200 to both CR and MMR. Previously it was only a CR deduction, but they changed it to also affect MMR.

Nah it doesn’t add up I blew my rating down to 800. I log back on in the morning and Que up I’m in a 1500mmr+ game after blowing my mmr and cr the night before. I climbed back up to 1600 roughly and I’ve done a lot of experimenting with this. A post above said its group mmr not individual…does it matter? If you win games. Mmr goes up. If you lose it goes down. Why is the math so different than 10man Rbgs?

Well if you winstreak a few games you can quickly gain back the MMR, but if you keep leaving after a short winstreak you are just grinding the same MMR range over and over again.

Maybe when they add the new personal MMR display next patch it will be more obvious what is happening.

For the last 1-1.5 weeks I have been pretty consistently floating around 2.6k-2.9k mmr, after taking about 30 games to build it up of course. My queues the last few days have been kinda rough and I still haven’t really seen a too significant mmr drop. There are some players who get into those lobbies who probably shouldn’t be, but I think I would rather that over having to wait a long time for queues.

I started a second ret to push on, got it to 80 and jumped right into BGB. The start was rough, and I could see what people were complaining about. You end up in some games that really have you wondering what is actually going on. But after 12 games played, 9 wins, I’m already out of those games floating around 1800 mmr. Still have a good chunk of games to get out of my placements, but I am curious to see how it goes. I have a feeling I’ll be up there with this toon at 2.6k+ in no time. The mmr system seems to be working fine for me.

Maybe you should consider starting a new toon to play on, may help to have a mmr reset. But if that doesn’t do it… Well, you know.

actually you can drop your cr/mmr to like the start. basically rek your rating to about 400cr and then build up momentum. if you are hard stuck somewhere around 1500…you cant generate any cr because your mmr is dampened. its like getting a running start.

Are they adding a personal MMR display Jenaki? I haven’t really looked or noticed, but that would go a long way in cooling down these MMR posts.

Mmr doesn’t get “dampened.” If you’re hard stuck at a certain mmr/cr that means that you’re playing at your appropriate level. That said, I don’t know how being a healer plays into all of that. Maybe you’re at a disadvantage because you get priority queues? But there are plenty of high rated healers, so that makes me think it isn’t a problem.

I really do think you should level up a second toon and start over, fresh mmr would be ideal. If you go past, great! That just means the mmr on that toon was ruined and you were unlucky. If you get stuck in the same spot, then you’re just playing at an appropriate mmr.

For a lot of people after last week’s issues, it really just means you’ve disconnected a few times and have to play a large number of games to make up for it.
This week having the “earn honor in rated bg/blitz” quest up further complicated that issue by pulling large amounts of people into the lower MMR ranges that don’t otherwise play the bracket or care about rating in it, which substantially increases the difficulty of climbing out of that bucket and renders those lower MMR games substantially more difficult/frustrating than high MMR games.

Big picture is a lot different than assumptions about peoples abilities based on placements in a 1/16 lobby.

If you think things are bad now with people complaining about MMR, just wait until they let us see what our personal MMR is so we can see how it is relative to our team’s MMR and the enemy team’s MMR.

There are a lot of very bad unintended consequences in this system that can create some very unreasonable high risk/low reward match ups.


I believe they are adding it based on this PTR update post:

Not exactly sure what it is though. I don’t think anyone has gotten a PTR Blitz game going to see what it looks like.

Supposedly we will be able to see personal MMR in the anniversary patch. But, as I said above… that is going to actually make people angrier when they actually see what is going on behind the curtains of the MMR system.

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Yeah Oozo, you ain’t wrong. I wonder if Blizz was correct in not wanting to make rated into a random thing? There are lot of people playing Blitz, but there are certainly a lot complaining about the numbers too.

Many of the issues stem from the unintended side effects of duo queue + people attempting to game-theory the system the same way they did in rbgs

i just got out of a game team mmr was 1936…wtf?? so they jump from 1510 which i lost…then i que up again and im 1936??
i just had a 400+mmr spike. lol you guys are like little mad scientists thinking you got something all figured out…meanwhile blizz is like “lets make it rain gerbils”

This probably happened because some high MMR person queued with a very low MMR person on the enemy team and you got pulled in to the match to help balance out the other low MMR player.

When this happens the matchmaking turns into total trash.

I can for sure understand that being an issue and very frustrating to deal with. Not sure what the best way would be to fix that, would be nice if Blizzard could do a rollback. Unless I’m mistaken, OP was talking about intentionally leaving the game because he had bad players. I’m not sympathetic towards that.

I got a taste on an alt. There are for sure players who simply do not care, or just don’t know I guess, and it isn’t fun to play with them. But players can for sure work their way out of that, everyone has potential for success.

Big picture is a factor. But historically, if you’re stuck at a certain mmr/cr that usually means that you’re at the peak of your capabilities. Obviously, all of the rated modes available are team based so there is no way to tell for a specific individual, but it is a good rule of thumb.