MMO tierlist and why FF is a charade

If the nerd police find that out, you’ll serve some hard time in the video game prison.


In my opinion it is still well below a M+20-22 or Mythic raiding in general

I agree. They treat “Hard mode” more like wow did back in the day. Only the dedicated raid the really hard stuff.

Think Naxx 1.0, BT, (Not necessarily hard but not everyone was directly behind world first in completion) Sun Well, 10 man 3 drake…

Those where not done by the majority of the player base. So yes wow makes mythic very accessible to the player base.

FF makes you be dedicated hard core not dedicated casual.

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I still think Ulduar was the pinnacle in terms of overall raid design (but not necessarily encounter design, which I think has steadily improved for the most part).

Can’t really ever openly say I like vehicle combat and the first encounter there was always enough to make me disqualify it

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if we could still use signatures on the forums, i would make this mine

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Yep, I hated that place mostly because of how it opened up.

That was probably one of my least favorite raids in the game.

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I’m more referring to the Normal and Hard-mode approach to the raid difficulty, the in-raid “wing” progression (even optional bosses!), and an unlockable megaboss with limited attempts. Ulduar just flowed so damn smoothly.

Then that gets followed up with Trial of the Crusader luls.

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Nice. SWTOR is such an underrated MMO. Wow could take notes when it comes to leveling.

I agree with everything, leveling it depends on when you’re leveling.

The first like 50+ levels are brutal to go through… it’s not as bad as Vanilla Wow, but it’s not much better. The Class variety, i’d say 1/5… outside of a few classes, they all feel the same mostly. Melee to melee, ranged to range, etc etc.

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