Hi there,
Returning ex-CE raider looking for a place to call home in 2023. Currently playing MM Hunter with BM offspec - and have a geared druid alt.
LF a Perth-timezone friendly, 2 night a week guild for H push.
b.net - Toldorn#1477
disc - Toldorn#4197
Hello! We are a 3 night guild (W/T/M) who raid 9-12 ST. If you would like to chat more, add me on BNET: Annalisse#1533 
Hey mate,
We raid Wednesday & Tuesday nights from 8:30pm ST to 11:30pm ST
Currently recruiting a couple more dps to continue our heroic progression, we don’t plan to go into mythic we just plan to maintain a 13/24 player roster and clear AOTC each tier and also do mythic +
Hit me up if you’re interested
BTAG: Rustix#1893
Hello! We are currently recruiting hunters.
Progress: 7/8 N, 2/8 H
If you wish to join a community that provides an outlet for proper raiding but still offers a casual and friendly atmosphere then we gladly extend our hand to you! Corporate’s main focus is to provide a comfortable place for players to participate in endgame progression. Our mission is to build a tight-knit community of friends and help each of them with their goals. We gladly welcome players, of all skill levels, a place amongst our ranks!
Our forum post:
Our contact information
Discord: Husky#4195
Battle.net: Husky#12177