MM nerfed again, Sub untouched

Silly, if you just look at the leader boards you got Sub rogues galore pressing two buttons as a weirdo female Orc/human characters… clown world

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How did we get nerfed?

Bold words coming from an off-brand Chucky doll.

MM’s getting a 5% nerf to Aimed Shot and Arcane Shot.

5% reduction on aimed shot and arcane shot.

Beta for Shadowlands?

Now my arena partner will have to use 3 attacks to 0% someone in 2’s :frowning:


Still shocked Sub has remained untoched.

Like… what? Even Sub Mains are saying they’re broken.

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Yeah the Kyrian ability needs to be nerfed to the ground. One ability criting for 10k is just silly.


now unplayable :frowning:

MM finally good for something again and it doesn’t even last a patch.


It’s just 5% in damage reduction. Not that big of a deal.

i feel like blizzard REALLY wants us to like their terrible melee spec they gave us.

It was 10% percent last week, 50% percent double tap nerf, now 5% on two more abilities. But Druid Covok Spirits one shot and Sub rogue two button spec, look at the Arena boards too 100… Rogues galore, couple Hunters, clown world ( female Orcs with weird mogs).

I was absolutely devoted to Survival on my Horde hunter back in Wrath. I have a sneaky feeling that if I were to play that build again it might not be as awesome as I fondly remember, but I wouldn’t mind having the opportunity to try.