Silly, if you just look at the leader boards you got Sub rogues galore pressing two buttons as a weirdo female Orc/human characters… clown world
How did we get nerfed?
Bold words coming from an off-brand Chucky doll.
MM’s getting a 5% nerf to Aimed Shot and Arcane Shot.
5% reduction on aimed shot and arcane shot.
Beta for Shadowlands?
Now my arena partner will have to use 3 attacks to 0% someone in 2’s
Still shocked Sub has remained untoched.
Like… what? Even Sub Mains are saying they’re broken.
Yeah the Kyrian ability needs to be nerfed to the ground. One ability criting for 10k is just silly.
now unplayable
MM finally good for something again and it doesn’t even last a patch.
It’s just 5% in damage reduction. Not that big of a deal.
i feel like blizzard REALLY wants us to like their terrible melee spec they gave us.
It was 10% percent last week, 50% percent double tap nerf, now 5% on two more abilities. But Druid Covok Spirits one shot and Sub rogue two button spec, look at the Arena boards too 100… Rogues galore, couple Hunters, clown world ( female Orcs with weird mogs).
I was absolutely devoted to Survival on my Horde hunter back in Wrath. I have a sneaky feeling that if I were to play that build again it might not be as awesome as I fondly remember, but I wouldn’t mind having the opportunity to try.