MM hunters should have pets. PERIOD

Even on blizzard’s description of the hunter class specifically emphasize pets for hunters.
If you want a range class without pets, then go mage :man_shrugging: if you want dont want pets then go play a different class

like its not that hard to do or understand.

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They already changed it, a while ago


people can play how they want. you don’t get to tell people how they should be playing.

i for one prefer mm without a pet.


I haven’t used a pet with MM since Lone Wolf was introduced. :rofl:


People are still writing these?

Even though MM already got an option to play with pets again?

Read the patch notes, people lol.


Why u mad bro

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So angry and so behind with the times.


The irony…


If there was another option to play with a bow and not a pet, I would choose it. Until now, we’ve just never had that option.

The game has multiple options for swords, daggers, two handed maces, dual wielding daggers, even dual wielding two handed weapons… glaives, fists, pets… the list goes on and on… But want to play a guy with a bow? Never was an option unless you wanted to lose out on 6+ abilities to do so.

I’m ecstatic that we finally have that option next patch.

That being said, if they decided to make a whole other class - idk like demon hunter 3rd spec - that uses a bow but no pets, I would definitely play that. I’ve just always wanted the option for that fantasy.

You missed the uproar OP.

You get to keep pets.

they already changed it so that MM Hunters can have pets if they choose to.

please keep up.

They already backtracked the no pets thing. Again. Hopefully they get the message and stop trying it.

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You’re late bro. MM Hunters have the option to keep their pet.

Why has lone wolf been as strong as it has for as long as it has?

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No idea. My guess is is that lone wolf was the start of a initial foundation for MM hunters to not have pets.

But even if it was, it would be a failure. A huge one at that.

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i’m guessing you haven’t bothered to read the changes. They added in all of the new stuff and allowed marksman hunters to keep their pets. Why did you even bother to make this thread? Unless it was to complain about the one talent point you have to spend in order to get the pet you got a compromise. Deal.

MM hunters haven’t used pets in over 10 years when Lone Wolf was introduced. It’s been a full decade of like 90%+ of MM hunters not using a pet.

I’m sorry but when can we just tell people to deal with it?

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Please try to remember that most people talking about this are just trolls rage baiting and concerntrolling. The vast majority of people on either side are reasonable about it and this guy isn’t representative of a side’s beliefs or another’s. He’s just stirring the pot.

When I’m in group content I put my pet away as MM, and only take it out if we’re approaching something where bloodlust is needed and my pet is the only source. But in solo content, I like having my pet around to tank and fetch loot from corpses. I don’t see what’s wrong with having a choice.

im just gonna leave this here…