MM hunters need a hunge nerf in PvP

I mostly play randoms with this hunter ilvl 418 (gladiator) he is not OP. AT lvl 59, and lvl 69, definitely OP, not now. I play hunter a lot and am decent at MM and do well in randoms but there are some mac trucks out there, warriors, winged palys, warlocks etc… who can put a serious wooping on me if I get caught.

It is possible. And I had only 335K HP so I see your where your disbelief is coming from, because you’re going of the tooltip. But whatever is the case, last night few times I got hit by sniper shot (not same player) for over 130K … and every single MM hunter drops me below 50% with one barrage cast and I’m at full HP. I get when I see hunter that has 450K HP , tells me he is geared. Buth when a >300K Hp hunter melts my health bar something is not right.

I get it in rated arenas MM hunter are OK because there is a healer and more coordination, but in random BG 1v1 against MM hunter is not good. I even tried with MM spec using non PvP ranged weapon, and Sniper shot hits like a truck, and barrage is indeed powerful.

Now I know you’re trolling.

Ok I’m trolling. Good luck …ignore this post and that’s it. There is no reason with you

I mean if Barrage is chunking off more than 50% of your HP there’s no helping you dude.

No, they dont, that is their role since they have virtually no defense of mobility.
Youre supposed to be afraid of them if you get caught at range, thats the point.

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Blue pvp geared hunter doesnt one shot anyone that isnt also in blue pvp gear or less.

At full gear against other full geared players that same combo takes half if everything crits and they dont use defenses becauae you got the jump kn them in the chaos that isthe BG environment.

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Speaking of, how much vers are you rocking?. I got the 4 peice on but only 2 have vers. I also still use a blue ring to double up on mastry. With that i think im just over 5k vers.

So i was wondering if thr set was even worth it or ahould i stack more vers/pvp gear to get more eHP versus damage.

I will say there has been something wonky going on with snipershot. Modifiers are either increasing the damage (i.e saltwater or beserker buff) or its counting shields as max hp. I’ve hit locks for 280k sniper shots in bgs.


I swear this is the same troll under a different toon who says BM is broken in another thread in PVP.

These people are pathetic.

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nah, that’s covlol who is a legit multi-glad sv hunter. you may disagree with his take on bm but he is at least arguing from the position of a consistently high ranked pvp player.

op of this thread once got caught being bendy with the truth on an alt to win an internet fight.


Its okay to die in battlegrounds. You get infinite respawns anyways.

MM hunter stomps two things: casters and noobs.

If you are complaining about MM as a hunter you are just telling on yourself.

This is what’s known as a “git gud” situation.

No I pretty much use this as my main forum. You can check my profile it’s not hidden

You are not nerfing my “hunge” troll. get a life chief.

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