I play because I like leveling alts, played healers since wrath. PvP is a totally unenjoyable style of play, and it’s been my preferred, since wrath. 1 Hunter just killed all of my team at graveyard with volley, chakrams & rapid fire. 6 out of 10 players left the match right after. Then 2 more after they got aimed shot to death by one or the other. This was after 10 minutes sitting in queue to join the match, and 2 minutes after it started.
Nerf MM hunters. This shouldn’t be a problem since July.
Almost every spec in the game has had their time in the sun in low level bgs.
Prot Warriors - Shield Slam dealing 800+ damage
Arcane Mages - Arcane Missile spam (200+ damage per missile)
MM Hunters - Aimed Shot (current)
Sub Rogues - Ambush (800+ damage + crit)
WW Monks - The OG version of Fists of Fury (300-400 damage a strike + 4 sec stun + mobility)
Brew Monks - Keg Smash + Barrels (that slowed)
Disc Priests (current) were unkillable at level 10 at one point.
Destro Locks - (Current w/ Chaos Bolt)
Aff Locks - (Drain Soul damage w/UA)
I can go on, but that’s the gist of it. Pretty soon, there’ll be a new FoTM that’ll take over the lower brackets.
I have to say though, Hunters have been consistently OP throughout the years, so I can’t deny that they’re very strong. But, there are other specs/classes though that can kill them too, easier than others.
True. Hunters are just ahead of the pack right now. Low level hunters are very common and very annoying in lower level brackets. Nerf them in low level and your just going to find another class wrecking havoc.
What’s really sucks are those guys who just roll a hunter, BG like crazy, and when the op-ness wears off they just reroll a hunter and transfer the heirlooms.
Hunter is BROKEN. A MM hunter should not be able to burst down a full conquest geared holy priest with two buttons. Can we please require people that play hunters to use more of their brain than 2 buttons to take a healer down? kthxbye
every bg has line of sight places you can use. if you’re caught out in the wide open thats kind of your fault.
also this sounds like a syncing issue with the player having chakrams available in low level bgs. what level do they get it? bug report forum is that way.
Ok but it gets to the point where they’re graveyard farming. Instant death upon revival. No time to do anything if they’re quick. A hunter last night did an explosive shot and 1 shotted FOUR people. All four of us went from 100 to 0. This was in level 60s BGs. At that point I told my friend I’m not doing that level of BGs with him anymore because that’s just ridiculous. That’s not anyone’s fault except blizzard’s for making them too OP.
oh level 60 i get it. thats a totally different issue. players with df accounts are making level 60’s and grinding out the reputation for the 380 ilvl gear pieces. elite mobs in df drop 350 ilvl blues for a level 60. after getting all these items they transfer the toon to a shadowlands capped basic account and dominate. its basically pay to win.
did this hunter have a stupid name with a bunch of a’s and y’s with ascii characters in it? these players are trash and i tell them this at every opportunity i get since im in the same communities.
definitely report them as hacking.
better yet, report your experience in the thread i’ve already started for this very issue.
SOME of the items on ptr have had a level 70 requirement added and should go live with the next patch but more need to be fixed.
Hell yeah ! tell it like it is! Im tired of the 2 button shuffle
from these skilless apes. Give them some nanas so they will stop jumping around like an idiot.
lol this is still a thing they just get outshined by hunters which keep them in check. Its actually more hilarious with arcane surge if the hunters all disappeared today all complaint threads would be about mages.
(Raist) I wanted to do an alliance resto shaman for a while now but I still don’t have a NElf druid and I need to remedy that situation first. I think they’re tough when I play against them.