MM hunters excited for 11.1?


MM Hunter needs god, its very bad right now on ptr


They ruined MM with the Dark Ranger rework and they’ve continuously kept us in the dirt. I doubt anything will change in 11.1, and most likely for the rest of the xpac.


Super lekker tidings for BM mains. I kept saying it for years. I used to be a lot more excited about this rework, then I realized that MM is still in the same class as BM and automatically knew it was going to be bad.

The question begs, “How long will MM and SV keep eating :poop:?”

It’s not too late to get it done by Midnight’s launch…

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i was honestly impressed how “DONT TAKE MUH PET AWAY BLIZZARD THIS IS A SLAP IN THE FACE FAILURE I WILL UNSUB” drowned out every other bit of feedback for mm


SV has been the best hunter spec in 11.5 onward in both raid and keys?

I think SV is taking a powder from that atm. They just might be back to eating :poop: soon.

Edit: SV being A tier, that’s some microaggressive stuff to BM spec. Just saying. Because the same goes with SV as it does with MM: the manifest destiny is to leave BM to itself. A “new” two-spec MDPS/RDPS class is just right there. It’s the best way MM and SV can compete.