MM hunters 8.2

We had disengage and camouflage in cata, with tranq shot and a mountain of utility.

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Yes we did, and I did prefer Cata Hunters in general. But that’s not classic.


Did you pvp because i did.

It was not fair vs 90% of the matchups. Literally dominated pvp as hunter you must have sucked. And i played on illy where all the pvp shinanigans happened

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We didnt lose deterrence, it was renamed to Aspect of the Turtle but we did lose 1 of its charges…


Ah? Good eye. sigh…

Effectively we lost up to 2 charges of Deterrence, depending on how you glyphed it. I still would have preferred that more than just being able to deflect attacks only once every 3 min.


  • Grants deflection and reduces damage.
  • Deterrence lasted 5 seconds on a 2-3 minute CD (depending on patch) with 2 charges.
  • It had a glyph that made it reflect incoming spells, which meant it could be used for the spell reflect itself and not just as a defensive ability.
  • It had a talent that reduced the CD to 1-2 minutes. This along with the 2 charges meant it was up a lot. (All the fricken time.)
  • The two charges meant we could use it JUST to get someone off of us, knowing that we had another if we really needed it.
  • The two charges meant others didn’t want to attack us because it was annoying to deal with not just one, but two waiting periods. It would be like having two back to back bubbles, or two ice blocks (that used to be a thing), except in the case of the hunter that option was available much more often than two ice blocks. It was a psychological deterrent, as much as an actual CD.
  • The Glyph of Mirrored Blades (spell reflection) provided a similar psychological effect, especially against big damage casts (like Chaos Bolt). This deterrent existed in BGs even if you didn’t have the glyph because many other hunters did. Granted, that was less of a deterrent than the annoyance of double charges against melee, but it was part of its psychological power in real game play.
  • Imo it had a much better graphic than Turtle. It felt powerful, not like I’m trying to tuck my head in my shell…


  • Grants deflection and reduces damage.
  • Lasts 8 seconds with a 3 minute CD.
  • Has nothing that makes it better.
  • For MM it has nothing in the toolkit that really compliments it. The other specs get a little bit out of it because they have (alot) more heals, but they would get the same benefits (and so many more) out of Deterrence.

Turtle is NOT a renaming of Deterrence.


cata hunter was amazing


Cata MM was definitely not my favorite. I hated the RNG “combo point” interaction between Steady Shot and Aimed Shot. I hated the talent trees passionately. And somewhat unrelated, I hated that they destroyed my world. I feel that WotLK, MoP, and WoD MM were all superior to Cata MM.

Having said that, given the choice between Cata MM and BfA MM, I’d take Cata MM in a heartbeat and twice on Sundays.


WoD MM was in an absolutely great spot. I miss Chimaera Shot so much. This was before the ridiculous mobility buff for every class after DH was added, so we could still kite. Then the abomination that was Legion MM change for the sake of change was done. Then after that they for some reason didn’t want to revert the changes, kept some of our abilities pruned and tried to tune around missing abilities.


Blizzard decided that melee should always be able to get to melee range, no matter how good the ranged player is.

Very sad.


Lmao that you seem SO concerned about what other people do and say to you. Must be tough day to day. I bet you’re one of those people that loses your mind if you get tbagged in a fps

Whoa, you’ve somehow been playing Hunter since… Warcraft II? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I still find MM fun but when BM has more in the rotation to monitor than MM (Barbed Shot), something is deeply wrong.


If this is true, what does this have to do with the thread’s topic?

That you should stop worrying about what other ppl say to or think of you. I would have thought my point was pretty evident.

You realize if that were allowed good ranged players would rule the game and no one would play melee? No you didn’t, because all you thought about was a particular problem you wanted to cry about.

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Since I no longer do organized play, it would also be evident I don’t care about it either. I would have dropped MM like it was hot if people said to reroll or else. But even though the spec sucks and nobody plays it, I would have that freedom. And that’s the rub: people would say I’m wasting time and bandwidth playing the wrong things and not playing the right things. It’s almost like a manpower issue lol.

This is an exceedingly dumb comment because plenty of people played melee in vanilla, bc, and Wotlk, when kiting existed.

Did you even think about that? No, you didn’t because all you thought about was how to attack me for some reason.

You also didn’t even bother to think of the opposite. If it is true that no melee would want to play if they all get kited, it would also be true that no ranged would want to play if they can’t kite.

Just a dumb comment all around.


It depends, back in the day if a melee connected you would die but you had the ability to kite. Now its the same just worhout the ability to kite