MM hunter with pet and lone wolf hunter are not mutually exclusive class fantasies

yeah I don’t care if it’s removed or not :man_shrugging: i’m fine if MM stays a mechanical mess with conflicting fantasies

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No but they are mutually exclusive with class balance.

Same deal with Fury and TG vs SMF. They simply aren’t capable to making sure 2 different specs work in the same talent tree.

See TG vs SMF Warrior
Gladiator versus Protection Warrior
Feral Bear versus Feral cat druid
Holy Paladin versus Shockadin
Holy Priest versus Smite Priest
MM Hunter versus Lone Wolf
Mover (Momentum/Inertia) DH vs Demonic DH.

Never once, have they ever been able to balance two different play styles in the same talent tree. Either one is viable, and the other is vastly undertuned. Or they buff the undertuned one and then it breaks the other one(either it because grossly undertuned, or unplayable)

Feedback: Hunters - #2713 by Kaivax in case you missed it :slight_smile:

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On PTR the spread of dps with equal gear on the same 3 training dummys range from less than 2 million, up to over 5 million. I would gather from that, tuning has not been complicated or tuning will not be completed. Either way, the game will never be exceptionally balanced. Thats why buffs and nerfs happen almost weekly with hot fix buffs or nerfs sprinkled in on some non-reset days. Balancing is always off, but it is always a work in progress.

For PVE, who cares, it is team based combat Vs common NPC enemies, play what you want how you want, if someone has the right to tell you your playing wrong they must be paying all your bills.

For PVP you can play what you want to play, or what is the strongest spec for the role. Those things are rarely found in one spec. So play alts, or fully reroll, or just stick to the spec you like the most. What no one should do is expect that many specs with that many talents to be balanced.