MM Hunter receive scythe from Storm the Maw calling

There seems to be an issue with awarding correct weapons to MM Hunters. I received a polearm.

Callings will grant you a weapon your class can use, not necessarily one for your spec. World quests are the same. Also to note, callings don’t automatically grant anything other than junk, so if you got a weapon, you did great…even if you aren’t specced to where you can use said weapon.

The problem of MM Hunters getting polearms is endemic.

And my Assassin Rogue keeps seeing gear for Outlaw. It is still not a bug.

I say it is. Shrugs.

The reason it isn’t a bug is that is the way the game was designed and intended. If you wish to suggest to the devs that they change it, then you would need to post a constructive suggestion over in the General Discussion Forum so those with the power to make said changes can view it. They do not come to the support forums for feedback or suggestions.