MM Hunter & Pets - THANK YOU

I really wish I could keep Wailing Arrow and Barrage, but at the end of the day those are just different (albeit cool) ranged attacks, and if there is one constant in WoW, it’s that offensive abilities change and come and go.

On the other hand, hunter pets are a lot more than that. A lot more.
So I wanted to say thank you for listening and allowing people who want to keep their pets as a MM Hunter, the ability to do so.
Thank you!


It seems somewhere along the line people forgot what words mean.

Marksman’s definition mentions nothing about a loyal companion that follows you around. However, its not like you can swap to Beastmaster if you wanted a pet fantasy in some weird duck-hunt-like fetish. People are complaining about MM losing pet utility perhaps that within itself is a fundamental flaw that should be, oh, i don’t know, redesigned to accommodate a petless change?

What is the point of your post?
I made a thank you post. Your opposition is better suited for the discussion of the change, which this post is not.
Additionally, Marksman is ONE of THREE SPECS of the Hunter CLASS, which DOES mention pet fantasy, so your point is invalid.

My original point remains for any Bliz dev reading it. Thank you.


Hopefully they’ll improve trueshot and reduce the number of talent points in that region of the tree, and maybe that’ll make room for these to return. Preferably Wailing Arrow. Given that it overrides Aimed Shot it would still fit seamlessly into this new tree.


MM isn’t losing any pet utility. MM gets the expected utility as Hunter abilities, and MM can use a pet to do pet things if it wants to, but it will be a DPS loss to do so.

This is an absolute win for anybody who plays MM, and should be commended.


It’s such a shockingly good move on Blizzard’s part that I can’t believe they actually did it, and I’m bewildered that it didn’t occur to them months ago that it would play out exactly this way.

As an aside: its been funny watching people lamenting the idea of ever controlling pets just in principle. Managing two entities at once is too much mental overhead for elite players of the easiest class in the game.


Marksman is a subset of hunter, and all hunters use a pet. Even in the rework, MM uses a loyal companion. Your definition is outdated and inconsistent with the stated vision of Blizzard.