MM Hunter LF Guild


MM Hunter chasing new home for 9.2
Currently 3/10M SOD, 2350 io M+.

Seeking +8 GMT (Perth, WA) raid friendly times.
Server xfer and faction change are possible.


Fast and Malfurious on Horde-Khaz’goroth would love to have you in our Core Raid Team.
Raid times are Weds/Thurs/Mon 8-10pm AEDT, not sure if this is too early for you?

Aiming to clear normal (first 8 that are available) first week and then Heroic by week 10, with some late tier Mythic prog after that.

We’ve also got our M+ team, Team Hex, which is doing trials on Tuesday to select the team for 9.2 and will aim to push keys as high as possible. Key push will happen on Tuesday nights, similar times to raid.

If you are interested, add me on Bnet: Rimbarn#1990

Hi Whiterosë,

If you are willing to faction transfer, Bobtail Invasion is a Heroic focussed guild on Saur/Nag/Cael. After getting AOTC we look at some Mythic bosses.

During CN and SoD we cleared 2/10M.

Our raid times are Thursday 9-11pm ST and Sunday 7:30-10:30pm ST.

We also have a lot of keen M+ players who clear high keys if you are interested in that.

Let me know if this suits you, my bnet is Skathlok#6824

Heya Whiterosë

Vismo are looking for more
See below the link for our recruitment thread
Would love to hear from you

[A] [Frostmounre] 5M Recruiting - 1 Night a week raid - Recruitment / Oceanic Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (

Hey mate, Not sure if you found a guild or not but my guild is still recruiting if your interested

Actual Progression (7/11H, 11/11N) is a newly established guild on Barthilas - Horde.

We are currently recruiting:

1x Dedicated Healer with Dps O/S

1x Dps with Healer O/S

3 x Melee dps (dk/enhance/warrior pref)

Handful of ranged dps

Our current raid days are Wednesday/Thursday 730-1030pm SVT

The guild was established on the 22/3/22 as an AoTC guild and we have since built a solid core raid team and a fair few “key runners”.

If you may be interested in joining our team and helping us progress further into Sepulcher please reach out to me either via Discord or In-game.

Discord: Fury#9668

In-Game: Unmatchdfuri#1734

| HORDE| Group 6 (Aussie team) on Frostmourne, Dreadmaul, Thaurassin and Jubei’Thos!
Currently 3/11M and 10/11H Dausegne best pull 7.8% She dies tonight.
We are currently looking for, but not limited too, an exceptional warrior DPS to join our mythic prog team into CE!!

Raid times/days are:
Wednesday - 8-11pm ST
Thursday - 8-11pm ST
Sunday 8-11pmST

G6 achieved CE last tier and have the same goal to prog together again into CE this tier! We are a determined and banter filled group of players with the same goal in mind but also here to have fun! We are a push prog team without the elitism attached

If this sounds like a group you would like to prog with this tier, feel free to add me on bnet for a chat - Mel#1928