Cash money MM hunter looking for a casual raiding guild to raid in Shadowlands with. Currently 177 ilvl. I’m looking for a guild that will push for AOTC, but I’m not interested in CE.
Preferable raiding times are monday/wednesday/sunday. But I can try to make things work. Fridays will never work for me unfortunately.
Hmu on Bnet @ Christophmas#1327 or in game; Gromgash.
Hello Gromgash! I own a small, casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re recruiting members for upcoming SL content. Currently need tank/heal. Our goal is to get a 10-15 player raid group to run Saturday & Sundays 9pm - 12am EST. We also plan do do m+ runs in time.
We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.
If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!